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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 19 nine-letter words containing A, E, N, 2O, R and S

AEROTONESAEROTONE n. a deep bath with massaging jets of compressed air.
ANTEROOMSanterooms n. Plural of anteroom.
ANTEROOM n. a room before, or forming an entrance to, another; a waiting room.
COENAMORSCOENAMOR v. to inflame with mutual love, also COENAMOUR.
COENOSARCcoenosarc n. (Zoology) Living body held in common by many organisms included in a composite zoophyte, by which they…
cœnosarc n. Obsolete spelling of coenosarc.
COENOSARC n. the common soft tissue which unites the polyps of a compound hydroid.
CORANTOEScorantoes n. Plural of coranto.
CORANTO n. (Italian) a rapid and lively dance.
CORONATEScoronates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of coronate.
CORONATE v. to crown.
EROSIONALerosional adj. Pertaining to erosion.
EROSIONAL adj. relating or causing erosion.
GOOSANDERgoosander n. A merganser, Mergus merganser, of the northern hemisphere. They eat fish and are common on lakes and rivers.
GOOSANDER n. a large duck of the merganser genus.
MAROONERSmarooners n. Plural of marooner.
Marooners n. Plural of Marooner.
MAROONER n. one who maroons.
NANOPORESnanopores n. Plural of nanopore.
NANOPORE n. a microscopic pore.
OARSWOMENoarswomen n. Plural of oarswoman.
OARSWOMAN n. a woman who rows.
OUTREASONoutreason v. (Transitive) To surpass in reasoning; to reason better than.
OUTREASON v. to surpass in reasoning.
PONDEROSAponderosa n. A very large species of pine tree native to western North America, Pinus ponderosa.
ponderosa n. A social, lime or get together where planning or issues are discussed.
Ponderosa prop.n. A census-designated place in Tulare County, California, United States.
RATOONERSratooners n. Plural of ratooner.
RATOONER n. a plant that ratoons.
RESONATORresonator n. Any object or system that resonates.
resonator n. A hollow cavity whose dimensions are selected so as to resonate at a specific frequency.
resonator n. A resonant electronic circuit.
ROMANESCOromanesco n. Alternative letter-case form of Romanesco.
Romanesco n. Romanesco broccoli, a light-green edible flower bud of certain forms of Brassica oleracea var. botrytis…
Romanesco prop.n. The dialect of the Italian language spoken in Rome.
SNAKEROOTsnakeroot n. Any member of the genus Ageratina of perennials and rounded shrubs from the sunflower family, growing…
snakeroot n. Any of various plants of other genera, including Eupatorium, Asarum canadense (Canadian snakeroot)…
snakeroot n. Bistorta officinalis (common bistort).
TORNADOEStornadoes n. Plural of tornado.
TORNADO n. (Spanish) a violent storm over a limited area, with whirling winds, a cyclone, also TORNADE.
WANDEROOSwanderoos n. Plural of wanderoo.
WANDEROO n. (Sinhalese) a long-tailed monkey, native to the Malabar coast of India.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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