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There are 18 nine-letter words containing A, E, 2N, R, T and U

ANTINUKERantinuker n. (Informal) One who is opposed to nukes (nuclear weapons).
ANTINUKER n. a person opposed to the use of nuclear weapons or nuclear energy, also ANTINUKE.
AVENTURINaventurin n. Alternative form of aventurine.
AVENTURIN n. a glass containing golden or green flecks; quartz containing mica flakes, also AVANTURINE, AVENTURINE.
CONNATUREconnature n. Participation in a common nature or character.
CONNATURE n. participation in a common nature or character.
ENCURTAINencurtain v. (Transitive) To enclose with curtains.
ENCURTAIN v. to enclose with curtains.
MANHUNTERmanhunter n. Someone who hunts down a target in a manhunt.
manhunter n. (Informal) A person who seeks men as sexual partners.
MANHUNTER n. one who takes part in a manhunt.
NEURATIONneuration n. (Biology) The arrangement or distribution of veins (nerves), as in the leaves of a plant or the wings of an insect.
NEURATION n. the arrangement of nerves and veins, esp. those of leaves, also NERVATION, NERVATURE.
NONMATUREnonmature adj. Not mature.
NONMATURE adj. not mature.
NUNATAKERnunataker n. Plural of nunatak.
NUNATAK n. (Inuit) a point of rock appearing above the surface of land ice.
REDUNDANTredundant adj. Superfluous; exceeding what is necessary, no longer needed.
redundant adj. (Of words, writing, etc) Repetitive or needlessly wordy.
redundant adj. (Chiefly Britain, New Zealand, Australia) Dismissed from employment because no longer needed.
REPUGNANTrepugnant adj. Offensive or repulsive; arousing disgust or aversion.
repugnant adj. (Law) Opposed or in conflict.
REPUGNANT adj. distasteful, odious.
RUNCINATEruncinate adj. (Botany, of leaves) Having tooth-like projections pointing away from the apex.
runcinate adj. (Botany, of leaves) Having a lacerated aspect with the projection pointing away from the apex, like dandelion leaves.
RUNCINATE adj. pinnately cut with the lobes pointing downwards, as the leaf of the dandelion.
SATURNINEsaturnine adj. (Comparable) Of a person: having a tendency to be cold, bitter, gloomy, sarcastic, and slow to change and react.
saturnine adj. (Comparable) Of a setting: depressing, dull, gloomy.
saturnine adj. (Comparable, chemistry, archaic) Of, pertaining to, or containing lead (which was symbolically associated…
TRANSEUNTtranseunt adj. (Philosophy, of a mental act) Emanant; producing an effect outside of the mind. (Compare immanent.)
transeunt adj. (Philosophy) Passing out or operating beyond itself; transitive; opposed to immanent.
TRANSEUNT adj. (Latin) (of a mental process) producing an effect outside the mind.
TURBANNEDturbanned adj. Wearing a turban.
TURBANNED adj. wearing a turban, also TURBANED.
UNCERTAINuncertain adj. Not certain; unsure.
uncertain adj. Not known for certain; questionable.
uncertain adj. Not yet determined; undecided.
UNDERTANEUNDERTANE v. (Spenser) undertaken.
UNTRAINEDuntrained adj. Lacking training, not having been instructed in something.
UNTRAINED adj. not trained.
URANINITEuraninite n. (Mineralogy) Any of several brownish-black forms of uranium dioxide, UO2, (especially pitchblende) that…
URANINITE n. uranium dioxide, the major ore of uranium, found most frequently in botryoidal form as pitchblende.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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