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There are 19 nine-letter words containing A, E, L, O, P, R and V

OVERLEAPSoverleaps v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of overleap.
OVERLEAP v. to leap over, also OWERLOUP.
OVERLEAPToverleapt v. Simple past tense and past participle of overleap.
OVERLEAP v. to leap over, also OWERLOUP.
OVERPEDALoverpedal v. (Music, intransitive) To overuse the sustaining pedal of a piano, causing the notes to sound too loud.
OVERPEDAL v. to make excessive use of the sustaining pedal of a piano.
OVERPLAIDoverplaid n. A plaid pattern that arises from color woven into a fabric that has another, different woven texture.
overplaid v. To weave in this kind of pattern.
OVERPLAID n. a textile design consisting of a plaid pattern superimposed on another plaid.
OVERPLANSoverplans v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of overplan.
OVERPLAN v. to plan to excess.
OVERPLANToverplant v. (Intransitive) To plant too many plants (of any particular crop).
overplant v. (Transitive) To plant too many of (some kind of plant), whether by sowing or by transplanting.
overplant v. (Transitive) To plant (a place) with too many plants.
OVERPLASTOVERPLAST adj. (Spenser) overplaced, placed above.
OVERPLAYSoverplays v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of overplay.
OVERPLAY v. to exaggerate.
PALOVERDEpaloverde n. Alternative spelling of palo verde.
palo␣verde n. (US) Any of a variety of trees in the genus Parkinsonia, with characteristic green bark, found in desert…
Palo␣Verde prop.n. A census-designated place in Imperial County, California, United States.
PARLEYVOOparleyvoo n. The French language, especially as understood by an English person.
parleyvoo n. (Now rare) A French person.
parleyvoo v. (Intransitive, dated, humorous) To speak a foreign language, especially French.
PARVOLINEparvoline n. (Organic chemistry) A base of the pyridine group, found in coal tar.
parvoline n. (Organic chemistry) Any of the series of isometric substances of which parvoline is the type.
PARVOLINE n. a liquid derived from coal tar.
PROLATIVEprolative adj. (Obsolete) uttered.
prolative adj. (Grammar) extending or completing a predication.
prolative n. (Grammar) the prolative case.
PROVEABLEproveable adj. Alternative form of provable.
PROVEABLE adj. that can be proved, also PROVABLE.
PROVEABLYproveably adv. Alternative spelling of provably.
PROVEABLE adv. that can be proved, also PROVABLE.
REPROVALSreprovals n. Plural of reproval.
REPROVAL n. censure, reproof.
VALPROATEvalproate n. (Chemistry, pharmacology) Any salt or ester of valproic acid.
VALPROATE n. a salt of valproic acid.
VAPORABLEvaporable adj. Vaporizable.
VAPORABLE adj. that can be vaporized, also VAPORIZABLE, VAPOURABLE.
VAPORLIKEvaporlike adj. Resembling vapor; vaporous, misty.
VAPORLIKE adj. like vapor.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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