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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 13 nine-letter words containing A, E, L, M, 2R and S

ARMORLESSarmorless adj. With an absence of armor; unarmored.
ARMORLESS adj. without armor, also ARMOURLESS.
CLAMORERSclamorers n. Plural of clamorer.
CLAMORER n. one who makes a clamor, also CLAMOURER.
DEMURRALSdemurrals n. Plural of demurral.
DEMURRAL n. the act of demurring.
FRAMPLERSFRAMPLER n. (Scott) a brawler.
MARSHALERmarshaler n. (Computing) A mechanism for marshalling data.
marshaler n. A person who directs the movement of an aircraft between the runway and its parking stand at an airport.
MARSHALER n. one who marshals, also MARSHALLER.
MARVELERSmarvelers n. Plural of marveler.
MARVELER n. one who marvels, also MARVELLER.
MORALISERmoraliser n. Alternative form of moralizer.
MORALISER n. one who moralises, also MORALIZER.
MORALLERSmorallers n. Plural of moraller.
MORALLER n. (Shakespeare) a moralist.
PREMOLARSpremolars n. Plural of premolar.
PREMOLAR n. a premolar tooth.
REMAILERSremailers n. Plural of remailer.
REMAILER n. an internet service that forwards emails anonymously.
SCRAMBLERscrambler n. Someone or something that scrambles (in various senses).
scrambler n. A vine that does not attach itself to its supports.
scrambler n. A device that makes messages intentionally, but reversibly, unintelligible for reasons of privacy or security.
SEMIRURALsemirural adj. Moderately rural; transcending both urbanity and province; developing.
semi-rural adj. Alternative form of semirural.
SEMIRURAL adj. partly rural.
TRAMPLERStramplers n. Plural of trampler.
TRAMPLER n. one who tramples.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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