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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 8 nine-letter words containing A, E, 2L, P, S and U

PHALLUSESphalluses n. Plural of phallus.
PHALLUS n. (Latin) the penis; a symbol of generation in primitive religions.
PLANTULESplantules n. Plural of plantule.
PLANTULE n. a plant embryo.
PLATEFULSplatefuls n. Plural of plateful.
PLATEFUL n. the quantity a plate can hold.
PLATESFULplatesful n. Plural of plateful.
PLATEFUL n. the quantity a plate can hold.
PLAUSIBLEplausible adj. Seemingly or apparently valid, likely, or acceptable; conceivably true or likely.
plausible adj. Obtaining approbation; specifically pleasing; apparently right; specious.
plausible adj. (Obsolete) Worthy of being applauded; praiseworthy; commendable; ready.
PLURALISEpluralise v. Alternative form of pluralize.
PLURALISE v. to make plural.
PRUNELLASprunellas n. Plural of prunella.
PRUNELLA n. a strong silk or woollen material, formerly used for academic and clerical gowns and women's shoes, also PRUNELLE.
PULSATILEpulsatile adj. Pulsating; that pulses.
pulsatile adj. Characterized by pulses.
pulsatile adj. (Music) Of a musical instrument: played by striking or beating.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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