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There are 16 nine-letter words containing A, E, I, R, 2T and V

ATTRITIVEattritive adj. Causing attrition.
ATTRITIVE adj. tending to attrite, wear down.
ESTIVATORestivator n. (Biology) Any animal that estivates.
ESTIVATOR n. an animal that aestivates, also AESTIVATOR.
GRAVITATEgravitate v. (Intransitive, astrophysics) To move under the force of gravity.
gravitate v. (Intransitive, figuratively) To tend or drift towards someone or something, as though being pulled by gravity.
GRAVITATE v. to move under the influence of gravitation.
HORTATIVEhortative adj. (Comparable) Urging, exhorting, or encouraging.
hortative adj. (Grammar, not comparable) Of a mood or class of imperative subjunctive moods of a verb for giving strong…
hortative n. (Grammar) A mood or class of imperative subjunctive moods of a verb for giving strong encouragement.
ITERATIVEiterative adj. Of a procedure that involves repetition of steps (iteration) to achieve the desired outcome; in computing…
iterative adj. (Grammar) Expressive of an action that is repeated with frequency.
iterative n. (Grammar) A verb showing the iterative aspect.
LEVITATORlevitator n. One who, or that which, levitates.
LEVITATOR n. one who levitates.
PARTITIVEpartitive adj. That divides something into parts.
partitive adj. (Grammar) Indicating a part rather than the whole of something.
partitive n. (Grammar) A partitive word, phrase or case.
PORTATIVEportative adj. (Now rare) Portable.
portative adj. (Obsolete) Capable of holding up or carrying.
portative n. (Now chiefly historical) A portative organ.
PRIVATESTprivatest adj. Superlative form of private: most private.
PRIVATE adj. secluded from the sight, presence or intrusion of others.
RAVIGOTTERAVIGOTTE n. (French) vinegar sauce, minced onion, capers, and herbs, also RAVIGOTE.
TRADITIVEtraditive adj. Transmitted or transmissible from parent to child, or from older to younger, by oral communication; traditional.
TRADITIVE adj. traditional.
TRAVERTINtravertin n. Alternative form of travertine.
TRAVERTIN n. (Italian) a pale limestone deposited from solution, e.g. from springs, also TRAVERTINE.
TRIVALENTtrivalent adj. (Inorganic chemistry) Having a valence of three.
trivalent adj. (Of a vaccine) Protecting against three different (usually flu) viruses.
trivalent n. (Genetics) Any trivalent chromosome.
VAPORETTIvaporetti n. Plural of vaporetto.
VAPORETTO n. (Italian) a motorboat serving as a canal bus in Venice.
VERITATESveritates n. Plural of veritas.
VERITAS n. (Latin) truth.
WRITATIVEwritative adj. (Archaic) Inclined to much writing.
WRITATIVE adj. characterized by an inclination to write.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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