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There are 19 nine-letter words containing A, E, I, O, S, T and U

ABOITEAUSaboiteaus n. Plural of aboiteau.
ABOITEAU n. (French) a tide gate, also ABOIDEAU.
AUTECIOUSAUTECIOUS adj. of parasites, completing the entire life cycle on a single species of host.
AUTHORISEauthorise v. Non-Oxford British spelling standard spelling of authorize.
AUTHORISE v. to give authority to, also AUTHORIZE.
AUTOECISMautoecism n. (Ecology, of a parasite or dependent organism) The fact of completing an entire life cycle on a single host species.
autoecism n. (Botany, of a plant) The fact of having male and female reproductive organs on the same individual plant.
AUTOECISM n. the development of the entire life cycle of a parasite on a single host, also AUTECISM.
AUTOPSIEDautopsied v. Simple past tense and past participle of autopsy.
AUTOPSY v. to carry out a postmortem examination of a corpse.
AUTOPSIESautopsies n. Plural of autopsy.
AUTOPSY v. to carry out a postmortem examination of a corpse.
AVOUTRIESAVOUTRY n. (obsolete) adultery, also ADVOUTRY.
EQUATIONSequations n. Plural of equation.
EQUATION n. the act of making equal.
FACETIOUSfacetious adj. Treating serious issues with (often deliberately) inappropriate humour; flippant.
facetious adj. Pleasantly humorous; jocular.
facetious adj. Of an idea or statement, humorously silly or counterproductive for the purpose of sarcastically advocating…
ISOBUTANEisobutane n. (Organic chemistry) A hydrocarbon, a particular isomer of C4H10 found in natural gas.
ISOBUTANE n. a gaseous branched-chain hydrocarbon.
MOUSETAILmousetail n. Any plant of the genus Ivesia, in the rose family.
mousetail n. Any plant of the genus Myosurus, in the buttercup family.
MOUSETAIL n. any of various temperate ranunculaceous plants of the genus Myosurus.
OUTRAISEDoutraised v. Simple past tense and past participle of outraise.
OUTRAISE v. to surpass in raising.
OUTRAISESoutraises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of outraise.
OUTRAISE v. to surpass in raising.
OUTSAILEDoutsailed v. Simple past tense and past participle of outsail.
OUTSAIL v. to sail faster than.
SAUTOIRESsautoires n. Plural of sautoire.
SAUTOIRE n. (French) a long necklace, or pendant on a long chain, also SAUTOIR.
TENACIOUStenacious adj. Clinging to an object or surface; adhesive.
tenacious adj. Unwilling to yield or give up; dogged.
tenacious adj. Holding together; cohesive.
THIOUREASthioureas n. Plural of thiourea.
THIOUREA n. urea with its oxygen replaced by sulphur.
VEXATIOUSvexatious adj. Causing vexation or annoyance; teasing; troublesome.
vexatious adj. (Archaic) Full of trouble or disquiet.
vexatious adj. (Law, of an action) Commenced for the purpose of giving trouble, without due cause.
VITACEOUSvitaceous adj. (Botany) Of or relating to the family Vitaceae of vines including grape.
VITACEOUS adj. of a family of flowering plants that includes the grapevine.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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