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There are 18 nine-letter words containing A, E, I, N, Q, T and U

ANTIQUATEantiquate v. (Transitive) To cause to become old or obsolete.
ANTIQUATE v. to make antique.
ANTIQUELYantiquely adv. In an antique manner.
ANTIQUE adv. very old, also ANTICKE.
ANTIQUERSantiquers n. Plural of antiquer.
ANTIQUER n. one who antiques, ages furniture.
ANTIQUIERANTIQUEY adj. having the appearance of an antique.
EQUATIONSequations n. Plural of equation.
EQUATION n. the act of making equal.
INQUINATEinquinate v. (Formal) To pollute or make dirty.
INQUINATE v. to corrupt or defile.
INQUORATEinquorate adj. That lacks the number sufficient to form a quorum.
INQUORATE adj. of the attendance at a meeting, not making up a quorum.
ORTANIQUEortanique n. A cross between an orange and a tangerine.
ORTANIQUE n. (French) a cross between an orange and a tangerine.
QUAINTESTquaintest adj. Superlative form of quaint: most quaint.
QUAINT adj. pleasantly odd, also QUEINT.
QUANTILESquantiles n. Plural of quantile.
QUANTILE n. any of the values of a random variable that divides a frequency distribution.
QUANTISEDquantised v. Simple past tense and past participle of quantise.
QUANTISE v. to express in terms of quanta, also QUANTIZE.
QUANTISERquantiser n. Alternative form of quantizer.
QUANTISER n. one who quantises, expresses in terms of quanta, also QUANTIZER.
QUANTISESquantises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of quantise.
QUANTISE v. to express in terms of quanta, also QUANTIZE.
QUANTIZEDquantized v. Simple past tense and past participle of quantize.
quantized adj. (Physics) Expressed or existing only in terms of discrete quanta; limited by the restrictions of quantization.
QUANTIZE v. to express in terms of quanta, also QUANTISE.
QUANTIZERquantizer n. An electronic device that samples a varying quantity (e.g. a waveform) and generates a digital response.
QUANTIZER n. one who quantizes, expresses in terms of quanta, also QUANTISER.
QUANTIZESquantizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of quantize.
QUANTIZE v. to express in terms of quanta, also QUANTISE.
QUITTANCEquittance n. A release or acquittal.
quittance n. A discharge from a debt or obligation; a document that shows this discharge.
quittance n. (Obsolete) Recompense; return; repayment.
TOTAQUINEtotaquine n. Alternative form of totaquina.
TOTAQUINE n. a mixture of quinine and alkaloids used as an antimalarial.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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