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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 8 nine-letter words containing A, E, I, M, N and 2O

AERONOMICaeronomic adj. Of or pertaining to aeronomy.
AERONOMIC adj. relating to aeronomy, the study of chemical and physical phenomena in the upper atmosphere.
BOOGIEMANboogieman n. Alternative spelling of bogeyman.
BOOGIEMAN n. a goblin, a bugbear, an object of special dread, also BOGEY, BOGEYMAN, BOGY, BOGYMAN, BOOGERMAN, BOOGEYMAN, BOOGYMAN.
EMOTIONALemotional adj. Of or relating to the emotions.
emotional adj. Characterised by emotion.
emotional adj. Determined by emotion rather than reason.
HEMOCONIAhemoconia n. Alternative form of haemoconia.
HEMOCONIA n. the small particles of matter, thought to be particles of the structure of red blood cells, that are present in blood that is flowing around the body, also HAEMOCONIA.
KAIROMONEkairomone n. (Biochemistry, ecology) Any substance produced by an individual of one species (often an insect) that…
KAIROMONE n. a semiochemical, emitted by an organism, which mediates interspecific interactions in a way that benefits an individual of another species which receives it, without benefiting the emitter.
MONOAMINEmonoamine n. (Chemistry, biochemistry) Any compound having a single amino functional group, especially a neurotransmitter.
MONOAMINE n. an amine containing only one amino group.
NEONOMIANNeonomian adj. Relating to Neonomianism.
Neonomian n. One who subscribes to Neonomianism.
NEONOMIAN n. one who advocates adherence to new laws; esp. one who holds or believes that the gospel is a new law.
OENOMANIAoenomania n. Morbid desire for wine; dipsomania; alcoholism.
OENOMANIA n. an obsession or craze for wine.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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