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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 7 nine-letter words containing A, E, I, L, N, R and W

CLEARWINGclearwing n. Any of various moths, of the family Sesiidae, that have transparent wings.
clearwing n. Any of various nymphalid butterflies, usually of the tribe Ithomiini, that have transparent wings.
CLEARWING n. a transparent-winged moth of the family Sesiidae, often resembling wasps.
LAWYERINGlawyering n. The practicing of law as a profession; being a lawyer.
lawyering v. Present participle of lawyer.
LAWYERING n. working as a member of the legal profession.
RAILWOMENrailwomen n. Plural of railwoman.
RAILWOMAN n. a female railway worker.
UNWARLIKEunwarlike adj. Not warlike.
UNWARLIKE adj. not warlike.
WATERLINEwaterline n. (Nautical) A line formed by the surface of the water on the hull of a ship when she is afloat; any of…
waterline n. (Aviation) A horizontal line indicating the shape of an airfoil.
waterline n. A line showing where the water has been, usually a line separating dry land and wet areas; a watermark or tidemark.
WEARINGLYwearingly adv. In a wearing (tiring) manner.
WEARING adv. tiring.
WOMANLIERwomanlier adj. Comparative form of womanly: more womanly.
WOMANLY adj. like a woman.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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