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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 20 nine-letter words containing A, E, I, L, 2N and U

ANNUALISEannualise v. (Transitive) To express (A quantity such as an interest rate, profit, expenditure etc.) as if it applied…
ANNUALISE v. to convert to a yearly rate, also ANNUALIZE.
ANNUALIZEannualize v. American spelling and Oxford British spelling standard spelling of annualise.
ANNUALIZE v. to convert to a yearly rate, also ANNUALISE.
EUMELANINeumelanin n. A dark brown pigment related to melanin.
EUMELANIN n. any melanin pigment of darker type.
INCUNABLEincunable n. Alternative form of incunabulum.
INCUNABLE n. a book printed from movable type before 1501, also INCUNABULUM.
INFLUENZAinfluenza n. (Pathology) An acute contagious disease of the upper airways and lungs, caused by a virus, which rapidly…
INFLUENZA n. a highly contagious viral infection.
LUMINANCEluminance n. The quality of being luminous.
luminance n. The amount of light that passes through, is emitted, or is reflected from a particular area, and falls…
luminance n. The luminous flux emitted in a given direction divided by the product of the projected area of the source…
PENINSULApeninsula n. (Geography) A piece of land projecting into water from a larger land mass.
PENINSULA n. a strip of land jutting out into water, a near-island.
PINNULATEpinnulate adj. (Botany) Having each pinna subdivided; said of a leaf, or of its pinnae.
PINNULATE adj. having each pinna subdivided, also PINNULATED.
UNALIGNEDunaligned adj. Not aligned.
UNALIGNED adj. not aligned.
UNDERLAINunderlain v. Past participle of underlie.
UNDERLIE v. to lie under.
UNHEALINGunhealing adj. That does not heal.
unhealing v. Present participle of unheal.
UNHEAL v. (Spenser) to discover, disclose, also UNHELE.
UNILINEALunilineal adj. (Genealogy) Of or pertaining to one side of a family.
unilineal adj. Synonym of unilinear.
UNILINEAL adj. tracing descent through the paternal or maternal line only.
UNILINEARunilinear adj. Made up of one single line.
UNILINEAR adj. developing in or involving a series of stages.
UNIVALENTunivalent adj. (Chemistry) Having an atomic valence of 1, or having only one valence.
univalent adj. (Medicine) Having a vaccine valence of 1.
univalent adj. (Genetics) Of, or relating to, a chromosome that is not paired with its homologous chromosome during synapsis.
UNLEADINGunleading v. Present participle of unlead.
UNLEAD v. to remove the lead from.
UNMANLIERunmanlier adj. Comparative form of unmanly: more unmanly.
UNMANLY adj. not manly.
UNMANLIKEunmanlike adj. Not manlike.
UNMANLIKE adj. not like a man.
UNPLAINEDunplained adj. (Obsolete) Not deplored or bewailed; unlamented.
UNPLAINED adj. (Spenser) not lamented.
UNSEALINGunsealing v. Present participle of unseal.
unsealing n. The opening of a seal.
UNSEAL v. to break the seal of.
UPLEANINGupleaning v. Present participle of uplean.
UPLEAN v. to rest one's weight.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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