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There are 17 nine-letter words containing A, E, I, 2L, N and U

ANDOUILLEandouille n. A spiced, heavily smoked Cajun pork sausage, often made from the entire gastrointestinal system of the pig.
ANDOUILLE n. (French) a kind of sausage.
BAULKLINEbaulk␣line n. (Snooker) The line at the baulk end of a snooker table, upon which the green, yellow and brown balls…
BAULKLINE n. a straight line across a billiard table behind which the cue balls are placed at the start of a game, also BALKLINE.
EQUALLINGequalling v. (British spelling) present participle of equal.
EQUAL v. to make equal.
FAULTLINEfaultline n. Alternative spelling of fault line.
fault-line n. Alternative spelling of fault line.
fault␣line n. (Geology) The line formed by the intersection of the plane of a fault with the surface of the Earth.
GALLINULEgallinule n. A bird of one of several species in the genera Porphyrio and Gallinula of the family Rallidae.
GALLINULE n. any of various aquatic birds of the rail family.
LAEVULINSlaevulins n. Plural of laevulin.
LAEVULIN n. a sugar occurring in certain plants, also LEVULIN.
LAUGHLINElaughline n. Alternative form of laugh line.
laugh␣line n. (Usually in the plural) Either of the two skin folds that run from each side of the nose to the corners of the mouth.
LAUGHLINE n. a funny line in a dialogue.
LAURELINGlaureling v. (US) present participle of laurel.
laureling n. Decorations that imitate laurel wreaths.
laureling n. Honor; recognition of merit.
LINGULATElingulate adj. In the shape of a tongue.
LINGULATE adj. shaped like the tongue or a strap, also LINGULATED.
MULLERIANmullerian adj. Alternative form of Müllerian.
müllerian adj. Alternative letter-case form of Müllerian.
Müllerian adj. Relating to, or discovered by, the German physiologist Johannes Peter Müller (1801-1858).
MULTILANEmultilane adj. (Of a road or of vehicular traffic) Having more than one lane of traffic traveling in at least one direction.
MULTILANE adj. having several lanes.
MULTILANE n. a highway having several lanes.
QUINELLASquinellas n. Plural of quinella.
QUINELLA n. (Spanish) a bet whereby the bettor must pick first two winners of a race but not necessarily in order, also QUINELA, QUINIELA.
TELLURIANtellurian adj. (Formal or literary) Of or relating to the earth; (specifically, chiefly science fiction) inhabiting…
tellurian adj. (Mineralogy) Of a mineral: containing tellurium.
tellurian n. (Astronomy, historical) Alternative spelling of tellurion (“instrument used to show how the rotation…
UNILINEALunilineal adj. (Genealogy) Of or pertaining to one side of a family.
unilineal adj. Synonym of unilinear.
UNILINEAL adj. tracing descent through the paternal or maternal line only.
UNLIKABLEunlikable adj. Not likable.
UNLIKABLE adj. not capable of being liked, also UNLIKEABLE.
UNLIVABLEunlivable adj. That cannot be lived.
unlivable adj. Unfit to be lived in; uninhabitable.
UNLIVABLE adj. not capable of being lived, also UNLIVEABLE.
UNPLIABLEunpliable adj. Not pliable.
UNPLIABLE adj. not pliable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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