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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 16 nine-letter words containing A, E, 2I, O, S and T

ANTINOISEantinoise adj. Intended to reduce environmental noise.
antinoise adj. Capable of neutralizing a noise.
antinoise n. A sound wave, of the same amplitude but of opposite phase to that of an unwanted sound, that can neutralize…
DACOITIESdacoities n. Plural of dacoity.
DACOITY n. (Hindi) robbery by dacoits, also DACOITAGE, DAKOITI, DAKOITY.
DAKOITIESdakoities n. Plural of dakoity.
DAKOITY n. (Hindi) robbery by dacoits, also DACOITAGE, DACOITY, DAKOITI.
DIAZOTISEdiazotise v. Alternative spelling of diazotize.
DIAZOTISE v. to convert a compound into a diazo compound, also DIAZOTIZE.
IDEATIONSideations n. Plural of ideation.
IDEATION n. the power of the mind to form images.
IODINATESiodinates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of iodinate.
IODINATE v. to treat with iodine, also IODATE.
ISOLATIVEisolative adj. Relating to, characterized by, or causing isolation.
ISOLATIVE adj. tending towards isolation.
OPACITIESopacities n. Plural of opacity.
OPACITY n. something that is opaque.
ORALITIESoralities n. Plural of orality.
ORALITY n. the state of being produced orally.
OSTIARIESostiaries n. Plural of ostiary.
OSTIARY n. a doorkeeper at a church.
OVALITIESovalities n. Plural of ovality.
OVALITY n. the state of being oval.
SERIATIONseriation n. The arrangement of things in a series.
seriation n. The relative dating of archaeological artifacts in a chronological order.
SERIATION n. arrangement or position in a series.
SOCIALITEsocialite n. A person (often a woman) of social prominence, considered to be an influential figure.
socialite n. A person who goes to fashionable parties and is often written about in the newspapers, etc.
SOCIALITE n. a person having a place in fashionable society.
SOCIATIVEsociative adj. (Grammar) Being or relating to the sociative case.
sociative n. (Grammar) The sociative case.
SOCIATIVE adj. expressing association.
SOLITAIREsolitaire n. A person who lives alone; a recluse or hermit.
solitaire n. A game for one person, played on a board with pegs or balls, in which the object is, beginning with…
solitaire n. (Chiefly US) Any of various card games that can be played by one person. Called patience in the rest of the world.
TOPIARIEStopiaries n. Plural of topiary.
TOPIARY n. the art of trimming shrubs into shape.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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