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There are 16 nine-letter words containing A, E, 2I, N, T and U

ANNUITIESannuities n. Plural of annuity.
ANNUITY n. income paid at regular intervals.
ANNUITISEannuitise v. Alternative form of annuitize.
ANNUITISE v. to commence a series of payments from the capital that has accumulated in an annuity, also ANNUITIZE.
ANNUITIZEannuitize v. (Economics) To convert an annuity (or similar instrument) into a series of payments of income.
ANNUITIZE v. to commence a series of payments from the capital that has accumulated in an annuity, also ANNUITISE.
ANTIQUIERANTIQUEY adj. having the appearance of an antique.
INDUSIATEindusiate adj. (Botany) Furnished with an indusium.
INDUSIATE adj. having an indusium, a protective covering.
INDUVIATEinduviate adj. (Botany) Covered with induviae.
INDUVIATE adj. covered with induviae, as the upper part of the trunk of a palm tree.
INFURIATEinfuriate v. To make furious or mad with anger; to fill with fury.
infuriate adj. (Now rare) Filled with, characterized by or expressing fury.
INFURIATE adj. enraged.
INQUINATEinquinate v. (Formal) To pollute or make dirty.
INQUINATE v. to corrupt or defile.
INSINUATEinsinuate v. To hint; to suggest tacitly (usually something bad) while avoiding a direct statement.
insinuate v. (Rare) To creep, wind, or flow into; to enter gently, slowly, or imperceptibly, as into crevices.
insinuate v. (Figurative, by extension) To ingratiate; to obtain access to or introduce something by subtle, cunning…
INUSITATEinusitate adj. (Archaic) Unusual.
INUSITATE adj. (obsolete) unaccustomed.
MINIATUREminiature n. Greatly diminished size or form; reduced scale.
miniature n. A small version of something; a model of reduced scale.
miniature n. A small, highly detailed painting, a portrait miniature.
TINGUAITEtinguaite n. (Geology) A variety of phonolite.
TINGUAITE n. a fine-grained igneous rock composed essentially of feldspar, nepheline and aegirine.
UINTAHITEuintahite n. Gilsonite.
UINTAHITE n. a tar-like asphalt found in the Uinta valley, Utah, also UINTAITE.
UINTAITESuintaites n. Plural of uintaite.
UINTAITE n. a tar-like asphalt found in the Uinta valley, Utah, also UINTAHITE.
URANINITEuraninite n. (Mineralogy) Any of several brownish-black forms of uranium dioxide, UO2, (especially pitchblende) that…
URANINITE n. uranium dioxide, the major ore of uranium, found most frequently in botryoidal form as pitchblende.
URINATIVEurinative adj. Provoking the flow of urine; diuretic.
URINATIVE adj. provoking the flow of urine.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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