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There are 17 nine-letter words containing A, E, 2I, 2N and S

AGENISINGAGENISE v. to treat flour with agene, also AGENIZE.
ANNUITIESannuities n. Plural of annuity.
ANNUITY n. income paid at regular intervals.
ANNUITISEannuitise v. Alternative form of annuitize.
ANNUITISE v. to commence a series of payments from the capital that has accumulated in an annuity, also ANNUITIZE.
ANTINOISEantinoise adj. Intended to reduce environmental noise.
antinoise adj. Capable of neutralizing a noise.
antinoise n. A sound wave, of the same amplitude but of opposite phase to that of an unwanted sound, that can neutralize…
ARGININESarginines n. Plural of arginine.
ARGININE n. one of the essential amino acids.
ASININELYasininely adv. In an asinine manner; very foolishly.
ASININE adv. of or like an ass; stupid.
BIENNIALSbiennials n. Plural of biennial.
BIENNIAL n. something e.g. a plant occurring every two years; lasting for two years.
INANITIESinanities n. Plural of inanity.
INANITY n. something that is inane.
INDAMINESindamines n. Plural of indamine.
INDAMINE n. any unstable organic base whose salts are blue or green dyes, also INDAMIN.
INFANCIESinfancies n. Plural of infancy.
INFANCY n. the state of being an infant.
INSEAMINGinseaming v. Present participle of inseam.
INSEAM v. to cover with grease, also ENSEAM, INSEEM.
INSINUATEinsinuate v. To hint; to suggest tacitly (usually something bad) while avoiding a direct statement.
insinuate v. (Rare) To creep, wind, or flow into; to enter gently, slowly, or imperceptibly, as into crevices.
insinuate v. (Figurative, by extension) To ingratiate; to obtain access to or introduce something by subtle, cunning…
MAINLINESmainlines v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of mainline.
main␣lines n. Plural of main line.
MAINLINE v. to inject a narcotic into a major vein.
NENNIGAISNENNIGAI n. (Native Australian) a large edible marine fish, also NANNYGAI.
RAININESSraininess n. The state or condition of being rainy.
RAININESS n. the state of being rainy.
SANIDINESsanidines n. Plural of sanidine.
SANIDINE n. a variety of orthoclase feldspar common in certain eruptive rocks.
SIRENIANSsirenians n. Plural of sirenian.
SIRENIAN n. any of an order of aquatic mammals including the manatee and dugong.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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