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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 15 nine-letter words containing A, E, H, N, O and 2S

ADHESIONSadhesions n. Plural of adhesion.
ADHESION n. the act of sticking.
ANCHORESSanchoress n. A female anchorite. A woman who chooses to withdraw from the world to live a solitary life of prayer…
anchoress n. (Informal) An anchorwoman.
ANCHORESS n. a female anchorite, one who lives in seclusion, usually for religious reasons, also ANCRESS.
HANDSOMEShandsomes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of handsome.
HANDSOME n. a handsome person.
HARDNOSEShardnoses n. Plural of hardnose.
hard-noses n. Plural of hard-nose.
hard␣noses n. Plural of hard nose.
HAWKNOSEShawknoses n. Plural of hawknose.
hawk-noses n. Plural of hawk-nose.
hawk␣noses n. Plural of hawk nose.
HOARINESShoariness n. The characteristic of being hoary.
HOARINESS n. the state of being hoary.
LOATHNESSloathness n. Unwillingness; reluctance.
LOATHNESS n. unwillingness, reluctance.
RHAMNOSESrhamnoses n. Plural of rhamnose.
RHAMNOSE n. a sugar found in plants.
SANDSHOESsandshoes n. Plural of sandshoe.
sand␣shoes n. Plural of sand shoe.
SANDSHOE n. a lightweight sneaker.
SAPHENOUSsaphenous adj. (Anatomy) Relating to, or situated near, the saphenous vein.
SAPHENOUS adj. relating to the saphena, one of the two principal superficial veins of the leg.
SEAHOUNDSseahounds n. Plural of seahound.
sea␣hounds n. Plural of sea hound.
SEAHOUND n. the dogfish.
SHOALNESSshoalness n. (Now rare) shallowness.
SHOALNESS n. shallowness.
SHORESMANSHORESMAN n. (US) one who dwells on or by the shore, also SHOREMAN.
STANHOPESstanhopes n. Plural of stanhope.
STANHOPE n. a light, open carriage.
STONEWASHstonewash n. A stonewashed effect on clothing.
stonewash v. (Transitive) To impart a stonewashed effect to (clothing).
STONEWASH v. to wash with stones to give a worn appearance.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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