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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 13 nine-letter words containing A, E, H, 2L, O and S

AEROSHELLaeroshell n. An aerodynamic shell that protects a spacecraft during travel from lift-off through the atmosphere from…
AEROSHELL n. a form of parachute to enable a space vehicle to make a soft landing.
BLASTHOLEblasthole n. The hole created by an explosion, for example in mining.
blasthole n. A hole in the bottom of a pump through which water enters.
blasthole n. The hole into which a blasting charge is inserted.
COALHOLEScoalholes n. Plural of coalhole.
coal␣holes n. Plural of coal hole.
COALHOLE n. a compartment for storing coal.
HALLOWERShallowers n. Plural of hallower.
HALLOWER n. one who hallows.
HOMESTALLhomestall n. Place of a home; homestead.
HOMESTALL n. a homestead.
LAMPHOLESlampholes n. Plural of lamphole.
LAMPHOLE n. a shaft for lowering a lamp into a sewer.
LEASEHOLDleasehold adj. (Property law) Of an estate in land, held for a term of years absolute by a lessee or tenant.
leasehold n. A leasehold estate in land.
leasehold n. (Property law) Real property held as an estate in land of this type.
MALLECHOSMALLECHO n. (Shakespeare) mischief, also MALICHO.
ORCHELLASORCHELLA n. a dye obtained from certain lichens, also ARCHIL, ORCHEL, ORCHIL, ORCHILLA, ORSEILLE.
SHALLOWEDshallowed v. Simple past tense and past participle of shallow.
SHALLOW v. to become shallow.
SHALLOWERshallower adj. Comparative form of shallow: more shallow.
SHALLOW adj. not deep.
TALLYHOESTALLYHO n. a hunting cry.
WHOLESALEwholesale n. (Business) The sale of products, often in large quantities, to retailers or other merchants.
wholesale adj. Of or relating to sale in large quantities, for resale.
wholesale adj. (Figurative) Extensive, indiscriminate, all-encompassing; blanket.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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