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There are 17 nine-letter words containing A, E, G, M, R, S and U

AGERATUMSageratums n. Plural of ageratum.
AGERATUM n. a flowering tropical plant.
ARGENTUMSARGENTUM n. (Latin) silver.
ARGUMENTSarguments n. Plural of argument.
arguments v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of argument.
ARGUMENT n. an exchange of differing reasons.
GASTRAEUMgastraeum n. (Zoology) The whole undersurface of an animal.
GASTRAEUM n. the undersurface of the body, esp. in birds.
GAZUMPERSgazumpers n. Plural of gazumper.
GAZUMPER n. one that gazumps (cheats by raising the agreed price).
GERANIUMSgeraniums n. Plural of geranium.
GERANIUM n. a plant of the genus Geranium with seed vessels like a crane's bill.
GERMANOUSgermanous adj. Containing germanium with a valence of 2.
GERMANOUS adj. of or containing germanium in the divalent state.
GOURAMIESgouramies n. Plural of gourami.
GOURAMI n. (Malay) a large East Indian freshwater fish, also GORAMY, GURAMI.
GRAMPUSESgrampuses n. Plural of grampus.
GRAMPUS n. Risso's dolphin; also, a popular name for many whales, especially the killer whale.
GUARDSMENguardsmen n. Plural of guardsman.
GUARDSMAN n. a soldier of the Guards.
GUNMAKERSgunmakers n. Plural of gunmaker.
GUNMAKER n. a maker of guns.
MEASURINGmeasuring v. Present participle and gerund of measure.
measuring n. Act of measurement.
MEASURING n. the act of taking a measurement.
QUAGMIRESquagmires n. Plural of quagmire.
quagmires v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of quagmire.
QUAGMIRE v. to entangle as in boggy ground.
RAMPAUGESrampauges n. Plural of rampauge.
rampauges v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of rampauge.
RAMPAUGE v. (Scots) to rampage.
RUMMAGERSrummagers n. Plural of rummager.
RUMMAGER n. one who rummages.
SCRUMMAGEscrummage n. (Rugby) An ordered formation of forwards, typically bending down, binding to one another with their…
scrummage n. (American football, rare) A scrimmage.
scrummage n. Dated form of scrimmage (“a rough fight”).
UMPIRAGESumpirages n. Plural of umpirage.
UMPIRAGE n. the function of an umpire.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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