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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 17 nine-letter words containing A, E, G, L, N, O and T

CATALOGNEcatalogne n. (Canada) A French-Canadian woven rag rug or blanket.
CATALOGNE n. (Canadian) a kind of weaving using rags as the weft and widely spaced threads as the warp.
COGNATELYcognately adv. In a way that is cognate.
COGNATE adv. related by birth.
ELONGATEDelongated adj. Extensive in length.
elongated adj. Stretched.
elongated adj. (Of a polyhedron) Having been modified by placing a prism in the middle of the polyhedron.
ELONGATESelongates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of elongate.
ELONGATE v. to lengthen.
FLAGSTONEflagstone n. A flat, rectangular piece of rock or stone used for paving or roofing.
flagstone n. One of several types of rock easily split and suitable for making flagstones.
FLAGSTONE n. a large paving stone.
GALLSTONEgallstone n. (Biology, medicine) A small, hard object, in the shape of a pebble, that sometimes forms in the gallbladder…
gall␣stone n. Alternative form of gallstone.
GALLSTONE n. a concretion, or calculus, formed in the gall bladder or biliary passages.
GANTELOPEgantelope n. (Archaic) The gauntlet (military punishment).
GANTELOPE n. an armoured glove, also GANTLET, GANTLOPE, GAUNTLET.
GANTLOPESgantlopes n. Plural of gantlope.
GANTLOPE n. an armoured glove, also GANTELOPE, GANTLET, GAUNTLET.
GELATIONSgelations n. Plural of gelation.
GELATION n. the process of gelling.
GLADSTONEGladstone prop.n. A Scottish habitational surname from Old English.
Gladstone prop.n. Any of places of the same name.
Gladstone n. Ellipsis of Gladstone bag..
GLUCONATEgluconate n. (Organic chemistry) Any salt or ester of gluconic acid.
GLUCONATE n. a salt or ester of gluconic acid.
HALOGETONhalogeton n. (Botany) Any plant of the genus Halogeton in the family Amaranthaceae.
Halogeton prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Amaranthaceae.
HALOGETON n. a coarse annual herb of the goosefoot family.
LANGOUSTElangouste n. The spiny lobster.
LANGOUSTE n. (French) the spiny lobster, also LANGOSTINO, LANGOUSTINE.
LEGATIONSlegations n. Plural of legation.
LEGATION n. the sending of an official envoy.
OCTANGLESoctangles n. Plural of octangle.
OCTANGLE n. an octagon.
PENTALOGYpentalogy n. A set of five works of art that are connected, and that can be seen either as a single work or as five…
PENTALOGY n. the state of being in five parts.
TANGOLIKEtangolike adj. Characteristic of tango music or dance.
TANGOLIKE adj. like a tango, a kind of dance.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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