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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 13 nine-letter words containing A, E, G, 2L, O and S

BARGELLOSbargellos n. Plural of bargello.
BARGELLO n. (Italian) a type of needlework stitch that makes a zigzag pattern.
COLLAGENScollagens n. Plural of collagen.
COLLAGEN n. a fibrous protein that is the chief constituent of connective tissue and yields gelatin on boiling.
FLAGPOLESflagpoles n. Plural of flagpole.
flagpoles v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of flagpole.
flag␣poles n. Plural of flag pole, an alternative spelling of flagpoles.
GALLOPERSgallopers n. Plural of galloper.
GALLOPER n. a rider, esp. a huntsman, who gallops.
GALLOWSESgallowses n. (Rather rare) plural of gallows.
GALLOWS n. a structure used to hang a condemn person.
GALLSTONEgallstone n. (Biology, medicine) A small, hard object, in the shape of a pebble, that sometimes forms in the gallbladder…
gall␣stone n. Alternative form of gallstone.
GALLSTONE n. a concretion, or calculus, formed in the gall bladder or biliary passages.
GLADIOLESgladioles n. Plural of gladiole.
GLADIOLE n. a lilylike plant of the genus Gladiolus, also GLADIOLA, GLADIOLUS.
GLOBALISEglobalise v. (British spelling) Alternative spelling of globalize.
GLOBALISE v. to make global, also GLOBALIZE.
LEKGOTLASlekgotlas n. Plural of lekgotla.
LEKGOTLA n. (Bantu) an assembly of tribal elders in Botswana, also KGOTLA.
LIGNALOESlignaloes n. Plural of lignaloe.
LIGNALOES n. (biblical) aloeswood.
MESOGLEALmesogleal adj. Relating to mesoglea.
MESOGLEAL adj. relating to the mesoglea.
OVERGALLSOVERGALL v. to greatly blister.
TOLLGATEStollgates n. Plural of tollgate.
TOLLGATE v. to block a business deal pending the payment of a bribe.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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