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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 16 nine-letter words containing A, E, G, 2L, N and R

ALLERGENSallergens n. Plural of allergen.
ALLERGEN n. a substance that induces an allergic reaction, also ALLERGIN.
ALLERGINSallergins n. Plural of allergin.
ALLERGIN n. a substance that induces an allergic reaction, also ALLERGEN.
CELLARINGcellaring v. Present participle of cellar.
CELLAR v. to store in an underground room.
GALLANTERgallanter adj. Comparative form of gallant: more gallant.
GALLANT adj. chivalrous.
GENERALLYgenerally adv. Popularly or widely.
generally adv. As a rule; usually.
generally adv. Without reference to specific details.
GOVERNALLGOVERNALL n. (Spenser) government.
LARYNGEALlaryngeal adj. (Anatomy, relational) Of or pertaining to the larynx.
laryngeal adj. (Phonetics, relational) (of a speech sound) Made by or with constriction of the larynx with only the…
laryngeal n. (Anatomy) An anatomical part (such as a nerve or artery) that supplies or is associated with the larynx.
LAURELINGlaureling v. (US) present participle of laurel.
laureling n. Decorations that imitate laurel wreaths.
laureling n. Honor; recognition of merit.
ORGANELLEorganelle n. (Cytology) A specialized structure found inside cells that carries out a specific life process (e.g…
ORGANELLE n. a specialized part of a cell that acts like an organ.
PELLAGRINpellagrin n. One who is afflicted with pellagra.
PELLAGRIN n. one who is afflicted with pellagra, a nervous and digestive disease due to deficiency of nicotinic acid in the diet.
RAVELLINGravelling n. Gerund of ravel.
ravelling v. Present participle of ravel.
RAVELLING n. a ravelled out thread, also RAVELING.
REALLYINGreallying v. Present participle of really.
re-allying v. Present participle of re-ally.
REALLY v. to ally again.
RECALLINGrecalling v. Present participle of recall.
recalling n. The act by which something is recalled.
re-calling v. Present participle of re-call.
REFALLINGrefalling v. Present participle of refall.
REFALL v. to fall again.
SIGNALLERsignaller n. (British spelling) One who signals.
signaller n. (Rail transport) synonym of signalman.
SIGNALLER n. one who signals, also SIGNALER.
TELLARINGTELLAR v. to produce such a shoot, also TELLER, TILLER.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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