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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 17 nine-letter words containing A, E, G, I and 3S

ASSEGAAISassegaais n. Plural of assegaai.
ASSEGAAI v. (Arabic) to kill or stab with a kind of spear, also ASSAGAI, ASSEGAI.
ASSESSINGassessing v. Present participle of assess.
assessing n. Action of the verb to assess; assessment.
ASSESS v. to estimate the value of for taxation.
ASSIGNEESassignees n. Plural of assignee.
ASSIGNEE n. one to whom property is allotted.
ASSIGNERSassigners n. Plural of assigner.
ASSIGNER n. a person who transfers a right or asset under an assignment, also ASSIGNOR.
BIOGASSESbiogasses n. Plural of biogas.
BIOGAS n. gas obtained by bioconversion.
DISUSAGESDISUSAGE n. gradual cessation of use.
GAPOSISESGAPOSIS n. a gap between buttoned buttons or closed snaps on a garment.
GASPINESSgaspiness n. The quality of being gaspy.
GASPINESS n. the state of being gaspy.
GASSINESSgassiness n. The state or property of being gassy.
GASSINESS n. the state of being gassy.
GLASSIESTglassiest adj. Superlative form of glassy: most glassy.
GLASSY adj. resembling glass.
GLASSINESglassines n. Plural of glassine.
GLASSINE n. a transparent, glazed greaseproof paper.
GLISSADESglissades n. Plural of glissade.
GLISSADE v. (French) to perform a gliding dance step.
GRASSIESTgrassiest adj. Superlative form of grassy: most grassy.
GRASSY adj. resembling or pertaining to grass.
MASSTIGESMASSTIGE n. the impression of exclusivity in goods that are affordable for many people.
MISUSAGESmisusages n. Plural of misusage.
MISUSAGE n. incorrect use.
REASSIGNSreassigns v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of reassign.
REASSIGN v. to assign again.
STAGINESSstaginess n. (Uncountable) The state or quality of being stagy.
staginess n. (Countable) The result or product of being stagy.
STAGINESS n. being stagy, theatrical.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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