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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 17 nine-letter words containing A, E, G, I, M, O and R

ARMIGEROSARMIGERO n. (Shakespeare) a person entitled to bear arms, also ARMIGER.
ENAMORINGenamoring v. Present participle of enamor.
ENAMOR v. to inspire with love, also ENAMOUR.
ERGOMANIAergomania n. (Psychology) An obsession with exercise or work.
ERGOMANIA n. excessive desire to work.
FOGRAMITEFOGRAMITE n. an antiquated person or thing.
GALEIFORMgaleiform adj. Having the shape of a galea.
GALEIFORM adj. helmet-shaped.
GLAMORISEglamorise v. (British spelling, Irish, South African, Australian and NZ) Alternative spelling of glamorize.
GLAMORIZEglamorize v. To make or give the appearance of being glamorous.
glamorize v. To glorify; to romanticize.
GOURAMIESgouramies n. Plural of gourami.
GOURAMI n. (Malay) a large East Indian freshwater fish, also GORAMY, GURAMI.
HELIOGRAMheliogram n. A message transmitted by a heliograph.
HELIOGRAM n. a message sent by reflecting the sun's rays with a mirror.
HIEROGRAMhierogram n. Sacred symbol, letter or writing.
hierogram n. Hieroglyph.
HIEROGRAM n. a sacred or hieroglyphic symbol.
IDEOGRAMSideograms n. Plural of ideogram.
IDEOGRAM n. a symbol that stands for a concept rather than a word.
MAGGOTIERMAGGOTY adj. full of maggots.
MORGANITEmorganite n. (Mineralogy) A gemstone of pegmatite deposits. Morganite is a transparent pink variety of beryl.
MORGANITE n. a rosy pink semiprecious gem, a variety of beryl.
OMNIRANGEomnirange n. (Aviation, chiefly attributive) A short-range radio navigation system for aircraft, based on a network…
OMNIRANGE n. a system of radio navigation.
RIGMAROLErigmarole n. A long and complicated procedure that seems tiresome or pointless.
rigmarole n. Nonsense; confused and incoherent talk.
rigmarole adj. Prolix; tedious.
VIDEOGRAMvideogram n. A physical object containing an audiovisual work, such as a videotape or DVD.
videogram n. The audiovisual work itself, such as the content of a videotape or a DVD, often intended to cover such…
VIDEOGRAM n. a commercial video film.
WAGMOIRESWAGMOIRE n. (Spenser) a quagmire.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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