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There are 19 nine-letter words containing A, E, G, I, L, T and U

CINGULATEcingulate adj. (Anatomy) Pertaining to a cingulum.
cingulate n. Any mammal of the order Cingulata, the armadillos.
CINGULATE adj. having a girdle, also CINGULATED.
CURTILAGEcurtilage n. (Law) The area immediately surrounding a house, especially dooryard areas and sometimes including closely…
CURTILAGE n. an area of land encompassing a dwelling and its surrounding yard, considered as enclosed whether fenced or not.
DIVULGATEdivulgate v. (Obsolete) To divulge.
divulgate adj. (Obsolete) Published.
DIVULGATE v. (archaic) to publish.
EMULATINGemulating v. Present participle of emulate.
EMULATE v. to strive to equal or excel; to imitate, also AEMULE, EMULE.
GAULEITERgauleiter n. (Historical) An official in charge of a district of Nazi Germany.
gauleiter n. Any overbearing or unpleasant official, especially a local official.
GAULEITER n. (German) an overbearing wielder of petty authority.
GLAURIESTGLAURY adj. (Scots) miry.
GLUTAMINEglutamine n. (Biochemistry) A nonessential amino acid C5H10N2O3 found in most animal and plant proteins.
GLUTAMINE n. a neutral amino acid found in proteins.
GRANULITEgranulite n. (Geology) A fine-grained metamorphic rock composed chiefly of feldspar, quartz, and garnets.
GRANULITE n. a whitish, granular rock, consisting of feldspar and quartz intimately mixed.
GRATICULEgraticule n. A grid of horizontal and vertical lines.
graticule n. (Specifically, optics, Britain) A reticle.
graticule n. (Specifically, geography) The network of lines of latitude and longitude that make up a coordinate system…
LAUGHIESTlaughiest adj. Superlative form of laughy: most laughy.
LAUGHY adj. inclined to laugh.
LIGATUREDligatured adj. (Typography) Joined in a ligature.
ligatured adj. (Surgery) Ligated or tied.
LIGATURE v. to tie with a ligature.
LIGATURESligatures n. Plural of ligature.
LIGATURE v. to tie with a ligature.
LIGULATEDligulated adj. Ligulate.
LIGULATED adj. resembling or shaped like a strap, also LIGULATE.
LINGULATElingulate adj. In the shape of a tongue.
LINGULATE adj. shaped like the tongue or a strap, also LINGULATED.
MULTIPAGEmultipage adj. Including or containing multiple pages.
MULTIPAGE adj. having many pages.
PLAGUIESTplaguiest adj. Superlative form of plaguey: most plaguey.
PLAGUEY adj. vexatious, also PLAGUY.
TRAGULINEtraguline adj. (Zoology) Belonging to the infraorder Tragulina.
TRAGULINE adj. of or like a tragule, a small deerlike mammal.
TRIALOGUEtrialogue n. A discourse or colloquy by three people.
trialogue n. (European Union) An informal tripartite meeting attended by representatives of the European Parliament…
TRIALOGUE n. a discourse or colloquy by three persons.
VIRGULATEvirgulate adj. Shaped like a little twig or rod.
VIRGULATE adj. shaped like a little twig or rod.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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