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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 14 nine-letter words containing A, E, G, 2I, M and R

EMPAIRINGempairing v. Present participle of empair.
EMPAIRE v. (Spenser) to become worse, also EMPARE.
GAMINERIEgaminerie n. Impishness.
GAMINERIE n. (French) impishness, boyishness (in a girl).
IMAGERIESimageries n. Plural of imagery.
IMAGERY n. a mental picture.
IMAGINEERimagineer n. Alternative form of Imagineer.
Imagineer n. A Disney employee responsible for creative planning and engineering.
IMAGINEER v. to design and create something new and imaginative.
IMAGINERSimaginers n. Plural of imaginer.
IMAGINER n. one who imagines.
IMMIGRATEimmigrate v. (Intransitive) To move into a foreign country to stay permanently.
IMMIGRATE v. to migrate into a country with the intention of settling in it.
MAGNIFIERmagnifier n. That which magnifies.
MAGNIFIER n. something that magnifies.
MIGRAINESmigraines n. Plural of migraine.
MIGRAINE n. (French) a severe headache, also MEGRIM.
REGIMINALregiminal adj. Of or relating to regimen.
REGIMINAL adj. of or relating to regimen; as, regiminal rules.
REIMAGINEreimagine v. To imagine or conceive something in a new way.
REIMAGINE v. to imagine again.
REIMAGINGreimaging v. Present participle of reimage.
REIMAGE v. to fix the image of.
REMAILINGremailing v. Present participle of remail.
remailing n. A second or subsequent mailing.
REMAILING n. the act of mailing again.
REMAININGremaining v. Present participle of remain.
remaining n. (Uncountable, now obsolete or in theology) An act or occurrence by which someone or something remains.
remaining n. (Countable, rare) remnant.
TRIGAMIEStrigamies n. Plural of trigamy.
TRIGAMY n. having three legal spouses.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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