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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 11 nine-letter words containing A, 2E, 2N, O and R

CANNONEERcannoneer n. (Military) A person who tends and operates a piece of artillery, especially a cannon.
CANNONEER n. a soldier who managed and fired a cannon, also CANNONIER.
CANYONEERcanyoneer n. A person who explores canyons.
canyoneer v. (Intransitive) To take part in canyoning.
CANYONEER n. a canyon explorer.
FOREANENTforeanent prep. (Scotland, obsolete) Over against; opposite to.
FOREANENT adv. (Scots) right opposite to in location, also FERNINST, FORNENST, FORNENT.
NANOMETERnanometer n. US spelling of nanometre.
NANOMETER n. a billionth of a metre, also NANOMETRE.
NANOMETREnanometre n. An SI subunit of length equal to 10-9 metres. Symbol: nm.
NANOMETRE n. a billionth of a metre, also NANOMETER.
NONCAREERnoncareer adj. Not of or pertaining to a career; nonoccupational.
NONCAREER adj. not related to a career.
NONCEREALnoncereal adj. (Of a crop) Not cereal.
NONCEREAL adj. not cereal.
NONDEALERnondealer n. One who is not a dealer.
NONDEALER n. one who is not a (drug) dealer.
NONREADERnonreader n. One who does not read.
NONREADER n. one who is not a reader.
PRAENOMENpraenomen n. (Historical) An ancient Roman first name.
praenomen n. (Historical) The throne name of a pharaoh, the fourth of the five names of the royal titulary, traditionally…
praenomen n. (Zoology) The genus name put before the species name.
RESONANCEresonance n. (Uncountable) The quality of being resonant.
resonance n. (Countable) A resonant sound, echo, or reverberation, such as that produced by blowing over the top of a bottle.
resonance n. (Medicine) The sound produced by a hollow body part such as the chest cavity upon auscultation, especially…

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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