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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 10 nine-letter words containing A, 2E, L, O and 2R

ARTERIOLEarteriole n. (Anatomy) One of the small branches of an artery, especially one that connects with capillaries.
ARTERIOLE n. a small artery.
CORRELATEcorrelate v. (Transitive) To compare things and bring them into a relation having corresponding characteristics.
correlate v. (Intransitive) To be related by a correlation; to be correlated.
correlate n. Either of a pair of things related by a correlation; a correlative.
ORDERABLEorderable adj. That may be ordered (obtained by placing an order).
orderable adj. That may be ordered (put in sequence).
ORDERABLE adj. that can be ordered.
OVERALERToveralert adj. Excessively alert.
OVERALERT adj. excessively alert.
OVERCLEARoverclear v. (Transitive) To make too clear, or translucent.
overclear v. (Transitive) To pass, without collision, by too great a distance; to go too far beyond.
overclear adj. (In negative constructions) Especially clear or comprehensible.
OVERLARGEoverlarge adj. Excessively large; too big; oversize.
overlarge adv. (Obsolete) Too extravagantly, overconfidently.
OVERLARGE adj. excessively large.
OVERLEARNoverlearn v. To learn (something) more than is necessary; to study excessively, to take (something) too much to heart.
overlearn v. (Psychology, education) To learn (something) to the point where responses become instinctive.
overlearn v. (Modeling) Mostly when talking about neural networks, to learn a task to the point where responses actually…
RELEASORSreleasors n. Plural of releasor.
RELEASOR n. one who releases, also RELEASER.
RELOADERSreloaders n. Plural of reloader.
RELOADER n. a device for reloading e.g. a gun.
REVELATORrevelator n. A person who reveals, especially one who makes a divine revelation.
REVELATOR n. one who makes a revelation.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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