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There are 16 nine-letter words containing A, 2E, 2L, O and T

ALLOTTEESallottees n. Plural of allottee.
ALLOTTEE n. one to whom something is allotted.
ALVEOLATEalveolate adj. Having a structure containing honeycomb-like cavities.
alveolate n. (Biology) A member of a grouping of protists comprising the ciliates, sporozoa and dinoflagellates.
ALVEOLATE adj. of or like a honeycomb.
BALLOTEESBALLOTEE n. a candidate in a ballot.
DECOLLATEdecollate v. (Transitive) To behead.
decollate v. (Transitive, computing) To separate the copies of a multipart computer printout.
decollate adj. Tapering to a blunt end.
ELAEOLITEelaeolite n. (Mineralogy) A variety of hephelite, usually massive and of a greasy lustre and grey to reddish colour.
ELAEOLITE n. a variety of nephelite, usually massive, of greasy luster, and gray to reddish color.
ELECTORALelectoral adj. Relating to or composed of electors.
electoral adj. Of, or relating to elections.
ELECTORAL adj. relating to elections or electors, also ELECTORIAL.
EMOLLIATEemolliate v. (Transitive) To soften; to render effeminate.
EMOLLIATE v. to soften; to render effeminate.
FLAGEOLETflageolet n. (Music) A type of small flute of the fipple family.
flageolet n. (Music) A technique for playing stringed instrument that produces high-pitched overtones.
flageolet n. A type of kidney bean, common in France.
LINEOLATElineolate adj. (Zoology) Marked with little lines.
lineolate adj. (Botany) Marked longitudinally with fine lines.
LINEOLATE adj. marked with fine lines, also LINEOLATED.
LINOLEATElinoleate n. Any salt or ester of linoleic acid.
LINOLEATE n. a salt of linoleic acid.
LOCELLATElocellate adj. (Botany) Divided into secondary compartments or cells, as where one cavity is separated into several smaller ones.
LOCELLATE adj. divided into small compartments.
OCELLATEDocellated adj. Of, pertaining to, resembling or having an ocellus.
ocellated adj. Spotted.
OCELLATED adj. eyelike and ringed; having an eyelike spot or spots, also OCELLATE.
POLLENATEpollenate v. Alternative form of pollinate.
POLLENATE v. to fertilise with pollen, also POLLINATE.
SELLOTAPEsellotape n. (Britain, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand) Adhesive tape.
sellotape v. (Transitive, Britain, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand) To seal with adhesive tape.
Sellotape n. (UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand) A brand of adhesive tape (and similar products) similar to Scotch tape (US).
SOLEPLATEsoleplate n. The flat metal plate forming the underside of an iron (for ironing laundry).
soleplate n. A sole (timber).
soleplate n. The base timber in the framing for a wall, to which the studs or posts are attached and on which they rest.
TOLERABLEtolerable adj. Capable of being borne, tolerated or endured; bearable or endurable.
tolerable adj. Moderate in degree; mediocre; passable, acceptable or so-so.
tolerable adj. Such as to be tolerated or countenanced; permissible; allowable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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