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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 18 nine-letter words containing A, 2E, H, P and 2R

AEROPHOREaerophore n. (Botany) A thin-walled area of the roots of some plants growing in swampy conditions through which gasses…
aerophore n. (Medicine) Aerophore pulmonaire; a respirator for use with neonates and small animals developed by French…
aerophore n. (Historical) A predecessor of the radio, invented by Rene Homer in the early 1900s for communication between ships.
EPIRRHEMAepirrhema n. An address, usually dealing with public affairs, spoken by the leader of the chorus after the parabasis…
EPIRRHEMA n. (Greek) in Greek comedy, the address of the coryphaeus to the audience after the parabasis.
HAMPERERShamperers n. Plural of hamperer.
HAMPERER n. one who hampers.
HYPERREALhyperreal adj. Of or pertaining to philosophical hyperreality; perceivable as real by consciousness, though potentially unreal.
hyperreal adj. (Mathematics, of a number) Belonging to an extension of the real numbers containing those that cannot…
hyperreal n. A hyperreal number.
OREPEARCHOREPEARCH v. (Shakespeare) to fly up and perch on, also OVERPERCH.
PHREAKERSphreakers n. Plural of phreaker.
PHREAKER n. one who uses equipment to obtain free telephone calls.
PREACHERSpreachers n. Plural of preacher.
PREACHER n. one that preaches.
PREACHIERpreachier adj. Comparative form of preachy: more preachy.
PREACHY adj. tending to preach.
PRECHARGEprecharge adj. Before a charge.
precharge n. (Semiconductors) The phase in the access cycle of DRAM during which the storage capacitors are charged…
precharge n. (Law) The period of time before the person is charged with a crime.
PREHARDENpreharden v. (Engineering) To harden before machining.
PREHARDEN v. to harden in advance.
PREHEATERpreheater n. An engineering device that preheats a material prior to some other process.
PREHEATER n. something or someone that preheats.
RATHERIPEratheripe n. (UK, dialect) A variety of apple that ripens early.
RATHERIPE n. a fruit that ripens early, also RARERIPE, RATHRIPE.
REPHRASEDrephrased v. Simple past tense and past participle of rephrase.
REPHRASE v. to say or repeat in a different way.
REPHRASESrephrases v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of rephrase.
REPHRASE v. to say or repeat in a different way.
RESHAPERSreshapers n. Plural of reshaper.
RESHAPER n. one that reshapes something.
RESHARPENresharpen v. Sharpen again.
RESHARPEN v. to sharpen again.
SHARPENERsharpener n. A device for making things sharp.
sharpener n. (Figurative) That which makes something sharp.
sharpener n. (Informal) An alcoholic drink taken at the start of the day, or just before a meal.
THREAPERSTHREAPER n. one who threaps, also THREEPER.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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