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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 9 nine-letter words containing A, 2E, H, O, S and U

ALEHOUSESalehouses n. Plural of alehouse.
ale-houses n. Plural of ale-house (alternative spelling of alehouses).
ALEHOUSE n. a tavern where ale is sold.
BAKEHOUSEbakehouse n. A building or an apartment used for the preparing and baking of bread and other baked goods.
bakehouse n. A building principally containing ovens.
bakehouse n. (UK dialectal) Bakery.
BEADHOUSEbeadhouse n. (Historical) An almshouse for poor people who pray daily for their benefactors.
BEADHOUSE n. a chapel, also BEDEHOUSE.
DEADHOUSEdeadhouse n. A morgue; a place for the temporary reception and exposure of dead bodies.
DEADHOUSE n. a mortuary.
GATEHOUSEgatehouse n. A lodge besides the entrance to an estate; often the residence of a gatekeeper; also a dwelling formerly…
gatehouse n. (Archaic) A fortified room over the entrance to a castle or over the gate in a city wall.
gatehouse n. A shelter for a gatekeeper.
HOUSEMATEhousemate n. Someone living in the same house.
HOUSEMATE n. one who dwells in the same house with another.
TEAHOUSESteahouses n. Plural of teahouse.
tea␣houses n. Plural of tea house.
TEAHOUSE n. a public establishment serving tea.
THEACEOUStheaceous adj. (Botany) Belonging to the Theaceae.
THEACEOUS adj. relating to the tea genus of evergreen plants.
WAREHOUSEwarehouse n. A place for storing large amounts of products. In logistics, a place where products go to from the manufacturer…
warehouse v. (Transitive) To store in a warehouse or similar.
warehouse v. (Transitive) To confine (a person) to an institution for a long period.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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