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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 10 nine-letter words containing A, 2E, H, N, O and T

ANETHOLESanetholes n. Plural of anethole.
ANETHOLE n. an aromatic ether which is the major constituent of certain oils, e.g. anise and fennel, also ANETHOL.
ETHANOATEethanoate n. (Organic chemistry) The acetate anion [C2H3O2], a carboxylate and the conjugate base of ethanoic acid…
ETHANOATE n. an ester of acetic acid, aka acetate.
HEADNOTESheadnotes n. Plural of headnote.
head-notes n. Plural of head-note.
head␣notes n. Plural of head note.
HEADSTONEheadstone n. A gravestone, a grave marker: a monument traditionally made of stone placed at the head of a grave.
headstone n. The cornerstone or principal stone of a building.
HEADSTONE n. the principal stone in a foundation; the chief or corner stone.
METHADONEmethadone n. (Pharmacology) A powerful synthetic analgesic drug which is similar to morphine in its effects but less…
METHADONE n. a synthetic drug similar to morphine, also METHADON.
NATHEMOREnathemore adv. Obsolete form of neverthemore.
NATHEMORE adv. (Spenser) nevermore, also NATHEMO, NEVERMORE.
OENOTHERAOenothera prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Onagraceae – New World plants, including evening primrose, suncups, and sundrop.
Œnothera prop.n. Alternative form of Oenothera.
OENOTHERA n. a type of South American plant with yellow flowers that open in the evening.
PATHOGENEpathogene n. Dated form of pathogen.
PATHOGENE n. a disease-producing organism, also PATHOGEN.
PHENOLATEphenolate n. (Chemistry) phenoxide.
PHENOLATE n. a compound of phenol analogous to a salt, also PHENATE.
PHENOLATE v. to subject to the action of a phenolate.
TOXAPHENEtoxaphene n. An acaricide and insecticide that is a mixture of chlorinated camphenes, now considered a persistent…
TOXAPHENE n. chlorinated camphene used as an insecticide.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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