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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 9 nine-letter words containing A, 2E, H, L, P and R

EPHEMERALephemeral n. Something which lasts for a short period of time.
ephemeral adj. Lasting for a short period of time.
ephemeral adj. (Biology) Existing for only one day, as with some flowers, insects, and diseases.
HYPERREALhyperreal adj. Of or pertaining to philosophical hyperreality; perceivable as real by consciousness, though potentially unreal.
hyperreal adj. (Mathematics, of a number) Belonging to an extension of the real numbers containing those that cannot…
hyperreal n. A hyperreal number.
MELAPHYREmelaphyre n. (Obsolete) Various dark-coloured volcanic igneous rocks rich in augite, similar to and in some definitions…
MELAPHYRE n. any one of several dark-colored augitic, eruptive rocks allied to basalt.
PARFLECHEparfleche n. (US) A form of stiff leather made from rawhide.
parfleche n. (US) A shield, bag or other item made from this material.
PARFLECHE n. (French) rawhide soaked in lye and water, then dried on a stretcher for shields, also PARFLESH.
PERIHELIAperihelia n. Plural of perihelion.
perihelia n. Plural of perihelium.
PERIHELION n. the point of the orbit of a planet or a comet at which it is nearest to the sun, as opposed to aphelion.
PLEATHERSpleathers n. Plural of pleather.
PLEATHER n. a plastic fabric made to look like leather.
PREHANDLEPREHANDLE v. to handle beforehand.
SHAPELIERshapelier adj. Comparative form of shapely: more shapely.
SHAPELY adj. having a pleasing shape.
TELEGRAPHtelegraph n. (Uncommon) Synonym of telegraphy, any process for transmitting arbitrarily long messages over a long…
telegraph n. (Chiefly historical) The electrical device gradually developed in the early 19th century to transmit…
telegraph n. (Video games) A visible or audible cue that indicates to an opponent the action that a character is about to take.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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