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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 11 nine-letter words containing A, 2E, G, L, M and N

EMBRANGLEembrangle v. (Transitive) To embroil.
EMBRANGLE v. (archaic) to embroil or entangle, also IMBRANGLE.
ENAMELINGenameling v. (US) present participle of enamel.
enameling n. The art of applying enamel.
ENAMELING n. the act of coating with enamel.
GENTLEMANgentleman n. (Chiefly historical) A man of gentle but not noble birth, particularly a man of means (originally ownership…
gentleman n. Any well-bred, well-mannered, or charming man.
gentleman n. (Derogatory) An effeminate or oversophisticated man.
GERMANELYgermanely adv. In a manner that is germane, relevantly.
GERMANE adv. closely related to; relevant.
GREENMAILgreenmail n. Profiting from an attempted hostile takeover by forcing the target company to buy back the hostile bidder’s…
greenmail v. To profit from an attempted hostile takeover by forcing the target company to buy back the hostile bidder’s…
GREENMAIL v. to buy a large quantity of a company's stock as a hostile takeover measure, and then sell it to the company at a higher price.
MAGDALENEMagdalene prop.n. A female given name from Hebrew.
Magdalene prop.n. Mary Magdalene, a disciple of Jesus.
Magdalene prop.n. (Cambridge University, informal) Ellipsis of Magdalene College, Cambridge.
MALENGINEmalengine n. (Archaic) Evil intent, bad intention; fraud, deceit.
MALENGINE n. (Spenser) evil machination, deceit.
MENINGEALmeningeal adj. (Anatomy, relational) Relating to the meninges.
MENINGEAL adj. of or pertaining to the meninx, the membrane enclosing the brain and spinal cord.
SEGMENTALsegmental adj. Of, relating to, or constructed from segments.
SEGMENTAL adj. relating to, or being, a segment.
SEMIANGLEsemiangle n. (Geometry) an angle of half a given size.
SEMIANGLE n. the half of a given, or measuring, angle.
TEGMENTALtegmental adj. Of or pertaining to tegmentum, or the ventral portion of the mesencephalon.
TEGMENTAL adj. relating to tegmenta, bud-scales.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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