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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 18 nine-letter words containing A, 2E, G, 2L and R

ALLERGENSallergens n. Plural of allergen.
ALLERGEN n. a substance that induces an allergic reaction, also ALLERGIN.
ALLERGIESallergies n. Plural of allergy.
ALLERGY n. a state of hypersensitive reaction to certain things.
CELLARAGEcellarage n. The space or storerooms of a cellar.
cellarage n. A fee charged for storing goods in a cellar.
CELLARAGE n. the space or storerooms of a cellar.
FILLAGREEfillagree n. Archaic form of filigree.
FILLAGREE n. a kind of ornamental metallic lacework.
GABELLERSgabellers n. Plural of gabeller.
GABELLER n. a collector of gabelle, a tax on salt.
GALLERIEDgalleried adj. Having a gallery structure, particularly in the form of a covered passage supported by columns, or arches.
GALLERY v. to provide with a long covered area.
GALLERIESgalleries n. Plural of gallery.
GALLERY v. to provide with a long covered area.
GENERALLYgenerally adv. Popularly or widely.
generally adv. As a rule; usually.
generally adv. Without reference to specific details.
GLARELESSglareless adj. That does not cause or exhibit any glare; characterized by diffuse light.
GLARELESS adj. without glare.
GRAVELLEDgravelled v. Simple past tense and past participle of gravel.
gravelled adj. Alternative form of graveled (“covered with gravel”).
gravelled adj. Alternative form of graveled (“perplexed, baffled, annoyed”).
GREVILLEAgrevillea n. Any of many Australian shrubs and trees of the genus Grevillea.
GREVILLEA n. any of various Australian evergreen trees and shrubs.
LEGALISERlegaliser n. Alternative form of legalizer.
LEGALISER n. one who legalises, also LEGALIZER.
LEGALIZERlegalizer n. That which makes legal.
legalizer n. (Computing) A tool that takes invalid input and creates valid output, such as for chip placement to…
LEGALIZER n. one who legalizes, also LEGALISER.
ORGANELLEorganelle n. (Cytology) A specialized structure found inside cells that carries out a specific life process (e.g…
ORGANELLE n. a specialized part of a cell that acts like an organ.
REGULABLEregulable adj. Of or pertaining to being controllable; able to be made subject to regulation.
REGULABLE adj. that can be regulated.
RELEGABLErelegable adj. Suitable for being relegated.
RELEGABLE adj. that can be relegated, also RELEGATABLE.
TREILLAGEtreillage n. Latticework for supporting vines, etc.; an espalier; a trellis.
TREILLAGE n. (French) trelliswork.
VILLAGREEVILLAGREE n. (Shakespeare) villagery, villages collectively, also VILLAGERY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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