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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 12 nine-letter words containing A, 2E, 2G, R and T

AGGREGATEaggregate n. A mass, assemblage, or sum of particulars; something consisting of elements but considered as a whole.
aggregate n. A mass formed by the union of homogeneous particles; – in distinction from a compound, formed by the…
aggregate n. (Mathematics, obsolete) A set (collection of objects).
EGGBEATEReggbeater n. A kitchen utensil that uses rotating blades to beat eggs.
eggbeater n. (Uncommon, possibly dated) A (wire) whisk.
eggbeater n. A swimming stroke involving alternating kicks.
GADGETEERgadgeteer n. Someone interested in, or owning a lot of, gadgets.
GADGETEER n. someone who delights in gadgets.
GADGETIERGADGETY adj. of or like a gadget.
MORTGAGEEmortgagee n. One who provides a loan secured upon the borrowers’ property, the lender in a mortgage agreement.
MORTGAGEE n. one who has a mortgage.
RAGGEDESTraggedest adj. Superlative form of ragged: most ragged.
RAGGED adj. tattered.
REGGAETONreggaeton n. A style of Latin American popular music, originally developing from reggae in Panama but now more of…
reggaetón n. Alternative spelling of reggaeton.
REGGAETON n. a form of music blending West Indian music influences of reggae and dancehall with those of Latin America.
SEGREGANTsegregant adj. (Genetics) Resulting from segregation.
segregant n. (Genetics) An organism that is the result of segregation; a segregate.
segregant n. (US, historical) An internee sent to the maximum-security Tule Lake (WWII internment camp for Japanese Americans).
SEGREGATEsegregate adj. Separate; select.
segregate adj. (Botany) Separated from others of the same kind.
segregate adj. (Geology) Separate from a mass and collected together along lines of fraction.
STAGGEREDstaggered v. Simple past tense and past participle of stagger.
staggered adj. Astonished, taken aback.
staggered adj. Arranged in a way that is not uniform.
STAGGERERstaggerer n. One who staggers.
STAGGERER n. one who staggers.
TOERAGGERTOERAGGER n. a tramp; a despicable person, also TOERAG.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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