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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 19 nine-letter words containing A, D, L, O, R, S and T

ADULATORSadulators n. Plural of adulator.
ADULATOR n. one who adulates.
BLOWDARTSblowdarts n. Plural of blowdart.
BLOWDART n. a dart shot from a blowpipe.
CARTLOADScartloads n. Plural of cartload.
CARTLOAD n. a much as a cart can hold.
DEFLATORSdeflators n. Plural of deflator.
DEFLATOR n. something that deflates, also DEFLATER.
DESOLATERdesolater n. One who, or that which, desolates or lays waste.
DESOLATER n. one who desolates, lays waste, also DESOLATOR.
DESOLATORdesolator n. Alternative spelling of desolater.
DESOLATOR n. one who desolates, lays waste, also DESOLATER.
ESTRADIOLestradiol n. (American spelling, biochemistry, pharmacology) A natural estrogenic hormone that is a phenolic alcohol…
ESTRADIOL n. a natural estrogenic hormone.
FLATBRODSFLATBROD n. a flatbread made with rye.
IDOLATERSidolaters n. Plural of idolater.
IDOLATER n. one that worships idols, also IDOLATOR.
IDOLATORSidolators n. Plural of idolator.
IDOLATOR n. one that worships idols, also IDOLATER.
LANDDROSTlanddrost n. (Now historical) A type of magistrate in South Africa, abolished under the British in 1827.
LANDDROST n. (South African) in South Africa, a district magistrate or sheriff, also LANDDROS.
LAUDATORSlaudators n. Plural of laudator.
LAUDATOR n. one who lauds, also LAUDER.
LEADWORTSleadworts n. Plural of leadwort.
LEADWORT n. a genus of maritime herbs with lead-colored spots on the leaves, and nearly lead-colored flowers.
LOADSTARSloadstars n. Plural of loadstar.
LOADSTAR n. a star used as a point of reference, also LODESTAR.
LODESTARSlodestars n. Plural of lodestar.
LODESTAR n. a star used as a point of reference, also LOADSTAR.
PORTLANDSportlands n. Plural of portland.
PORTLAND n. a kind of cement, having the color of the Portland stone.
STEROIDALsteroidal adj. (Biochemistry) Of, being, or derived from a steroid.
STEROIDAL adj. relating to steroids.
SWORDTAILswordtail n. One of many species of freshwater fish, in genus Xiphophorus, others of which are called platyfish.
swordtail n. Any of various papilionid butterflies that have a long sword-like projection from the tornal section of each hindwing.
SWORDTAIL n. a small Central American freshwater fish.
THRALDOMSthraldoms n. Plural of thraldom.
THRALDOM n. servitude, also THRALLDOM.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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