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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 6 nine-letter words containing A, D, 2I, N and 2R

BIRDBRAINbirdbrain n. (Colloquial) Someone who is not intelligent.
bird␣brain n. Alternative form of birdbrain.
BIRDBRAIN n. one of very limited intelligence.
BRAIRDINGbrairding v. Present participle of braird.
BRAIRD v. (Scots) to sprout above ground, also BREER.
IRRADIANTirradiant adj. That radiates light.
IRRADIANT adj. irradiating or illuminating; as, the irradiant moon.
IRRIDENTAirridenta n. A region that has ethnic or historic ties to a political entity (such as a country) other than the one that rules it.
IRRIDENTA n. (Italian) a region containing people ethnically related to the inhabitants of one State but politically subject to another, also IRREDENTA.
ORDINAIREordinaire n. Wine for ordinary use.
ordinaire n. A soldier’s mess.
ordinaire n. A person of common rank.
RAINBIRDSrainbirds n. Plural of rainbird.
Rainbirds prop.n. Plural of Rainbird.
RAINBIRD n. a bird, such as the green woodpecker, supposed to foretell rain.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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