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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 12 nine-letter words containing A, D, H, O, R, S and T

CHORDATESchordates n. Plural of chordate.
CHORDATE n. an animal having a backbone.
GOATHERDSgoatherds n. Plural of goatherd.
GOATHERD n. one who tends goats.
HARDBOOTSHARDBOOT n. a type of computer startup.
HYDRATORShydrators n. Plural of hydrator.
HYDRATOR n. something that hydrates.
HYDROCASThydrocast n. A form of scientific water measurement in which several connected bottles are lowered into the water…
HYDROCAST n. a gathering of water samples for analysis.
HYDROSTAThydrostat n. A mechanism that regulates the amount of water in a boiler.
hydrostat n. (Biology) A muscle tissue, composed mostly of water, that maintains a constant volume during contraction.
HYDROSTAT n. a contrivance or apparatus to prevent the explosion of steam boilers.
MIDRASHOTMidrashot n. Plural of Midrash.
MIDRASH n. (Hebrew) an early Jewish interpretation of a biblical text.
POTSHARDSpotshards n. Plural of potshard.
POTSHARD n. a fragment of broken pottery, also POTSHERD, POTSHARE.
SHORTHANDshorthand n. A rough and rapid method of writing by substituting symbols for letters, words, etc.
shorthand n. (By extension) Any brief or shortened way of saying or doing something.
shorthand v. (Transitive) To render (spoken or written words) into shorthand.
SHORTHEADshort␣head n. (Horse racing) A distance of less than the length of a horse’s head.
SHORTHEAD n. a fish, a species of American redhorse.
SOUTHWARDsouthward n. The direction or area lying to the south of a place.
southward adj. Situated or directed towards the south; moving or facing towards the south.
southward adv. Towards the south; in a southerly direction.
THRALDOMSthraldoms n. Plural of thraldom.
THRALDOM n. servitude, also THRALLDOM.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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