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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 15 nine-letter words containing A, D, G, 2O, R and S

AGARWOODSAGARWOOD n. a soft, resinous wood of an Asian tree, known for its aromatic qualities, and used in incense, also AGALWOOD, ALOESWOOD.
GARDYLOOSgardyloos n. Plural of gardyloo.
GARDYLOO n. (Scots) a warning cry when slops are thrown from a window, also JORDELOO.
GASTROPODgastropod n. Any member of a class of mollusks (Gastropoda) that includes snails and slugs; univalve mollusk.
GASTROPOD n. a class of asymmetrical molluscs, including limpets, whelks, snails and slugs, also GASTEROPOD.
GOODYEARSGoodyears prop.n. Plural of Goodyear.
GOODYEARS interj. (Shakespeare) the devil, the plague, or the like (a meaningless imprecation), also GOODYEAR.
GOOSANDERgoosander n. A merganser, Mergus merganser, of the northern hemisphere. They eat fish and are common on lakes and rivers.
GOOSANDER n. a large duck of the merganser genus.
GOSPODARSgospodars n. Plural of gospodar.
GOSPODAR n. (historical) a prince or governor, especially of Moldavia or Wallachia, also HOSPODAR.
GRANDIOSOgrandioso n. (Music) A tempo mark directing that a passage is to be played in a grand and noble style.
grandioso n. (Music) A passage having this mark.
grandioso adv. (Music) played in this style.
HARDGOODShardgoods n. Durable products manufactured from relatively hard materials, such as cars, TVs, and household appliances.
HARDGOODS n. hardware.
LOGBOARDSlogboards n. Plural of logboard.
LOGBOARD n. a hinged board containing notes for a logbook.
ODOGRAPHSodographs n. Plural of odograph.
ODOGRAPH n. a device for measuring distance travelled, also ODOMETER.
ONDOGRAMSondograms n. Plural of ondogram.
ONDOGRAM n. a graph of electric wave forms.
OVERGOADSOVERGOAD v. to goad too much.
PODAGROUSpodagrous adj. Gouty; podagric.
PODAGROUS adj. relating to podagra, gout, also PODAGRAL, PODAGRIC, PODAGRICAL.
RIGADOONSrigadoons n. Plural of rigadoon.
RIGADOON n. a lively Baroque period dance, also RIGAUDON.
SPODOGRAMSPODOGRAM n. a preparation of the ash from a section of a plant, used in microscopy.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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