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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 17 nine-letter words containing A, D, G, I, N, R and U

CRUSADINGcrusading v. Present participle of crusade.
CRUSADE v. to engage in a holy war.
DAUNERINGdaunering v. Present participle of dauner.
DAUNER v. (dialect) to stroll, saunter, also DANDER, DAUNDER, DAWNER.
DRAUNTINGDRAUNT v. (dialect) to drawl, to drone, also DRANT.
GERUNDIALgerundial adj. Pertaining to or behaving like a gerund.
GERUNDIAL adj. relating to a gerundive, also GERUNDIVAL.
GUARDIANSguardians n. Plural of guardian.
GUARDIAN n. one that guards.
INDRAUGHTindraught n. An inward flow of air or water.
indraught n. (Obsolete) An opening from the sea into the land; an inlet.
INDRAUGHT n. a drawing in; an inward flow of air, also INDRAFT.
MARAUDINGmarauding v. Present participle of maraud.
marauding adj. Raiding and pillaging.
marauding adj. (Of an animal) killing in wanton fashion.
OUTDARINGoutdaring v. Present participle of outdare.
OUTDARE v. to surpass in daring.
RADIUSINGRADIUS v. to give a rounded form to.
RIGAUDONSrigaudons n. Plural of rigaudon.
RIGAUDON n. (French) a lively Baroque period dance, also RIGADOON.
SHINGUARDshinguard n. A piece of apparel to protect the front of the lower leg (the shin), usually worn when playing sports.
SHINGUARD n. a protection for the shin when playing football.
TRADUCINGtraducing v. Present participle of traduce.
traducing n. The act of one who traduces; defamation.
TRADUCING adj. maligning.
UNDRAPINGundraping v. Present participle of undrape.
UNDRAPE v. to strip of drapery.
UNDRAWINGundrawing v. Present participle of undraw.
UNDRAW v. to draw open.
UPDARTINGupdarting v. Present participle of updart.
UPDART v. to dart up.
UPDRAWINGupdrawing v. Present participle of updraw.
UPDRAW v. to draw up.
UPGRADINGupgrading v. Present participle of upgrade.
upgrading n. The process by which something is upgraded.
UPGRADE v. to raise to a higher standard.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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