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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 14 nine-letter words containing A, D, G, I, L, O and R

ADORINGLYadoringly adv. In an adoring manner.
ADORING adv. ADORE, to love deeply.
DIALOGERSdialogers n. Plural of dialoger.
DIALOGER n. one who makes things into dialogues, also DIALOGUER.
DIALOGUERdialoguer n. A participant in a dialogue.
dialoguer n. A person employed to write dialogue for characters in a soap opera or similar show.
DIALOGUER n. one who makes things into dialogues, also DIALOGER.
GAOLBIRDSgaolbirds n. Plural of gaolbird.
gaol-birds n. Plural of gaol-bird.
GAOLBIRD n. an inveterate convict, also JAILBIRD.
GIRANDOLAgirandola n. Alternative form of girandole.
GIRANDOLA n. (Italian) a branched chandelier or similar structure, also GIRANDOLE.
GIRANDOLEgirandole n. An ornamental branched candle holder, sometimes with a mirror behind.
girandole n. (Pyrotechnics) A type of firework which creates a "whirling top" or "flying saucer" effect.
GIRANDOLE n. (French) a branched chandelier or similar structure, also GIRANDOLA.
GLADIATORgladiator n. (In ancient Rome) A person (professional or slave) who entertained the public by engaging in mortal…
gladiator n. (By extension) A disputant in a public controversy or debate.
gladiator n. A professional boxer.
GLADIOLARGLADIOLAR adj. like a gladiolus.
GOLIARDICgoliardic adj. Of or pertaining to Goliards, wandering medieval students who earned money by singing and reciting poetry.
goliardic adj. Of or pertaining to a form of medieval lyric poetry that typically celebrated licentiousness and drinking.
GOLIARDIC adj. of or like a goliard, a wandering scholar in the Middle Ages.
MARIGOLDSmarigolds n. Plural of marigold.
Marigolds n. Plural of Marigold.
MARIGOLD n. a composite plant of genus Calendula, with orange-yellow flowers.
PRODIGALSprodigals n. Plural of prodigal.
PRODIGAL n. a wastrel, a spendthrift.
RADIOGOLDradiogold n. (Medicine) The radioactive isotope of gold, 19879Au, used in medical irradiation and in diagnosis.
RADIOGOLD n. the radioisotope gold-198.
RADIOLOGYradiology n. (Medicine) The specialty of medical imaging and its interpretation, originally and especially radiography#Noun…
radiology n. (Medicine, obsolete) The use of radioactive substances in diagnosis and treatment (which today is the…
RADIOLOGY n. the study of X-rays and their medical applications.
RELOADINGreloading v. Present participle of reload.
reloading n. The act by which something (A gun, a device, etc.) is reloaded; a subsequent loading.
RELOAD v. to load again.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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