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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 19 nine-letter words containing A, D, E, 2R and 2S

ADDRESSERaddresser n. A person who gives an address or speech.
addresser n. A person who addresses someone (directs spoken or written communication toward someone).
addresser n. A person who addresses (applies an address to an object to be delivered to a particular location).
ADDRESSORaddressor n. Alternative form of addresser.
ADDRESSOR n. one who addresses, also ADDRESSER.
ADSORBERSadsorbers n. Plural of adsorber.
ADSORBER n. something that adsorbs.
CHRESARDSchresards n. Plural of chresard.
CHRESARD n. the total quantity of water in the soil available to plants.
CRUSADERScrusaders n. Plural of crusader.
CRUSADER n. one that crusades.
DEBARRASSdebarrass v. (Dated, transitive) To disembarrass, disentangle, or free from.
DEBARRASS v. (archaic) to disembarrass, disentangle.
DEERGRASSdeergrass n. A species of grass native to the southwestern United States, Muhlenbergia rigens.
deergrass n. American perennial herbs with showy flowers in the genus Rhexia.
DEERGRASS n. a type of grass.
DISARMERSdisarmers n. Plural of disarmer.
DISARMER n. one that disarms.
DRAGSTERSdragsters n. Plural of dragster.
DRAGSTER n. a car built or modified for use in drag races.
READDRESSreaddress v. (Transitive) To address or deal with again.
readdress v. (Transitive) To change the address of.
READDRESS v. to address again, esp. reflexively.
REASSUREDreassured v. Simple past tense and past participle of reassure.
REASSURE v. to assure again.
REDRESSALredressal n. (India, otherwise dated) Redress.
REDRESSAL n. an act or instance of redressing.
REDSTARTSredstarts n. Plural of redstart.
REDSTART n. a bird of the thrush family, characterised by a red tail.
RESPREADSrespreads v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of respread.
re-spreads v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of re-spread.
RESPREAD v. to spread again.
RESSALDARressaldar n. The native captain of an Indian cavalry regiment.
RESSALDAR n. (Urdu) an Indian troop commander, also RISALDAR.
ROADSTERSroadsters n. Plural of roadster.
ROADSTER n. a light, open automobile.
SERRANIDSserranids n. Plural of serranid.
SERRANID n. a group of fish, sea basses and groupers, also SERRANOID.
SPREADERSspreaders n. Plural of spreader.
SPREADER n. one who spreads.
STRANDERSstranders n. Plural of strander.
STRANDER n. a machine that twists fibres into rope.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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