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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 20 nine-letter words containing A, D, E, L, 2N and U

ANNULATEDannulated adj. Having rings.
annulated adj. (Organic chemistry) Composed of several fused rings.
ANNULATED adj. marked with a ring or rings.
CANDLENUTcandlenut n. A flowering tree (Aleurites moluccana and Aleurites rockinghamensis) of the family Euphorbiaceae, also…
candlenut n. The seed of this tree, used as a candle.
CANDLENUT n. the oil-yielding fruit of a tropical tree.
DUNELANDSdunelands n. Plural of duneland.
DUNELAND n. an area having many dunes.
MUNDANELYmundanely adv. In a mundane manner.
mundanely adv. In a worldly manner.
MUNDANE adv. ordinary, banal.
NONFEUDALnonfeudal adj. Not feudal.
NONFEUDAL adj. not feudal.
UNALIGNEDunaligned adj. Not aligned.
UNALIGNED adj. not aligned.
UNCANDLEDuncandled adj. Not having been candled.
UNCANDLED adj. not candled.
UNCLEANEDuncleaned adj. That has not been cleaned; dirty or foul; uncleansed.
uncleaned v. Simple past tense and past participle of unclean.
UNCLEANED adj. not cleaned.
UNDERLAINunderlain v. Past participle of underlie.
UNDERLIE v. to lie under.
UNDULANCEundulance n. The property of undulating.
UNDULANCE n. the state of being undulant, also UNDULANCY.
UNHANDLEDunhandled adj. Not having been handled.
unhandled adj. (Figurative) Untrained, untame and beyond handling.
unhandled adj. Without a handle; handleless.
UNLEADINGunleading v. Present participle of unlead.
UNLEAD v. to remove the lead from.
UNLEARNEDunlearned adj. Of a person, ignorant, uneducated, untaught, untrained.
unlearned adj. Of a behavior, not learned; innate.
unlearned v. Simple past tense and past participle of unlearn.
UNMANTLEDunmantled adj. Without a mantle.
UNMANTLE v. to remove the mantle from.
UNPLAINEDunplained adj. (Obsolete) Not deplored or bewailed; unlamented.
UNPLAINED adj. (Spenser) not lamented.
UNPLANKEDunplanked adj. Not fitted with planks.
unplanked v. Simple past tense and past participle of unplank.
UNPLANKED adj. not fitted with planks.
UNPLANNEDunplanned adj. Unintentional; not intended.
unplanned adj. Spontaneous and not thought through in advance.
unplanned adj. Not having any structure or organization.
UNPLANTEDunplanted adj. Not planted.
UNPLANTED adj. not planted.
UNSNARLEDunsnarled v. Simple past tense and past participle of unsnarl.
UNSNARL v. to disentangle.
UNTANGLEDuntangled v. Simple past tense and past participle of untangle.
untangled adj. Not tangled.
UNTANGLE v. to free from tangles.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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