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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 13 nine-letter words containing A, D, E, 2L, N and O

ANDOUILLEandouille n. A spiced, heavily smoked Cajun pork sausage, often made from the entire gastrointestinal system of the pig.
ANDOUILLE n. (French) a kind of sausage.
BALLOONEDballooned v. Simple past tense and past participle of balloon.
BALLOON v. to swell out.
GALLOONEDgallooned adj. Furnished or adorned with galloon.
GALLOONED adj. decorated with galloon, a lace trim.
GLENOIDALglenoidal adj. Glenoid.
GLENOIDAL adj. slightly cupped; socket-shaped, also GLENOID.
LANDLOPERlandloper n. Alternative spelling of landlouper.
LANDLOPER n. (Dutch) a wanderer, a vagabond.
LANOLATEDLANOLATED adj. covered with lanolin.
LOWLANDERlowlander n. One who lives in the lowlands.
Lowlander n. A person from the Scottish Lowlands.
LOWLANDER n. one who lives in the lowlands.
MEDAILLONmedaillon n. (Cooking) Synonym of medallion.
MEDAILLON n. (French) a small round or oval serving, as of meat.
MEDALLIONmedallion n. A large medal, usually decorative.
medallion n. A cut of meat resembling a medallion.
medallion n. (Art) A usually round or oval frame (often made of stucco) containing a decoration.
PLANELOADplaneload n. As much, or as many, as a plane can carry.
PLANELOAD n. as much as may be carried by a plane.
UNALLOWEDunallowed adj. Not allowed; forbidden.
UNALLOWED adj. not allowed.
UNALLOYEDunalloyed adj. (Of metal) Not alloyed; not in mixture with other metals; pure.
unalloyed adj. Complete and unreserved; pure; unadulterated; not restricted, modified, or qualified by reservations.
UNALLOYED adj. not alloyed.
VOLPLANEDvolplaned v. Simple past tense and past participle of volplane.
VOLPLANE v. to glide in an aeroplane.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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