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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 13 nine-letter words containing A, C, O, R, 2S and U

AUROCHSESaurochses n. Plural of aurochs.
AUROCHS n. (German) an extinct wild ox, aka ure or urus.
AUTOCROSSautocross n. A form of motorsport that tests the skill and speed of a driver over a course marked out with traffic cones.
autocross v. (Intransitive) To take part in this sport.
AUTOCROSS n. motor racing round a rough grass track.
CAROLUSESCaroluses n. Plural of Carolus.
CAROLUS n. (Latin) a former English gold coin, first struck in the reign of Charles I.
CAROUSALScarousals n. Plural of carousal.
CAROUSAL n. a boisterous drinking party.
CAROUSELScarousels n. Plural of carousel.
CAROUSEL n. (French) a merry-go-round; a circular magazine for a slide projector, also CARROUSEL.
CAROUSERScarousers n. Plural of carouser.
CAROUSER n. one who carouses.
CONSULARSconsulars n. Plural of consular.
CONSULAR n. a person holding the rank of consul.
CRUSADOEScrusadoes n. Plural of crusado.
CRUSADO n. (Portuguese) an old Portuguese coin, also CRUZADO.
CURASSOWScurassows n. Plural of curassow.
CURASSOW n. a turkey-like bird, also CARASSOW.
OSSICULARossicular adj. (Anatomy) Related to or composed of ossicles.
OSSICULAR adj. relating to an ossicle, a little bone or bone-like plate.
ROSACEOUSrosaceous adj. (Botany) Of or pertaining to a rose, or a member of the Rosaceae family of plants.
rosaceous adj. Resembling or characteristic of rosacea; rosy; reddish.
ROSACEOUS adj. of or pertaining to the Rosaceae or rose family.
SCROFULASscrofulas n. Plural of scrofula.
SCROFULA n. (Latin) tuberculosis of the lymph nodes, esp. in the neck, giving rise to abscesses.
SUCRALOSEsucralose n. A selectively chlorinated sucrose, used as an artificial sweetener.
SUCRALOSE n. an artificial sweetener.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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