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There are 15 nine-letter words containing A, C, M, O, S, T and U

ACCUSTOMSaccustoms v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of accustom.
accustoms n. Plural of accustom.
ACCUSTOM v. to make familiar.
ACONITUMSaconitums n. Plural of aconitum.
ACONITUM n. (Latin) the poisonous herb aconite; also, an extract from it, also ACONITE.
AUTOECISMautoecism n. (Ecology, of a parasite or dependent organism) The fact of completing an entire life cycle on a single host species.
autoecism n. (Botany, of a plant) The fact of having male and female reproductive organs on the same individual plant.
AUTOECISM n. the development of the entire life cycle of a parasite on a single host, also AUTECISM.
CASTOREUMcastoreum n. The bitter exudate of the castor sacs of mature beavers.
castoreum n. (Archaic) A hat made from beaver fur.
CASTOREUM n. (Latin) the dried perineal sacs of the beaver, or a brown unctuous strong-smelling substance obtained from them, formerly used in medicine and perfumery.
CAUMSTONEcaumstone n. Alternative form of camstone.
CAUMSTONE n. (Scots) a white argillaceous stone used for whitening doorsteps, also CALMSTANE, CALMSTONE, CAMSTANE, CAMSTONE, CAUMSTANE.
COMITATUScomitatus n. (Historical) A group of warriors or nobles accompanying a king or other leader.
comitatus n. (Historical) A county, shire.
COMITATUS n. (Latin) a band of warriors who escort a prince.
COSMONAUTcosmonaut n. An astronaut, especially a Russian or Soviet one.
COSMONAUT n. a Russian astronaut.
CUSTOMARYcustomary n. A book containing laws and usages, or customs; a custumal.
customary adj. In accordance with, or established by, custom or common usage.
customary adj. Holding or held by custom.
FACTOTUMSfactotums n. Plural of factotum.
FACTOTUM n. (Latin) a person employed to do many kinds of work.
MACROTOUSmacrotous adj. Large-eared.
MACROTOUS adj. having large ears.
MOUSTACHEmoustache n. A growth of facial hair between the nose and the upper lip.
MOUSTACHE n. the unshaved hair on a man's upper lip, also MUSTACHE.
MUSTACHIOmustachio n. A mustache, especially a large or lush one.
mustachio v. To adorn with a mustachio, or something that resembles a mustachio.
MUSTACHIO n. (Spanish) a large, elegantly curling moustache, also MOUSTACHIO.
OUTCHARMSoutcharms v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of outcharm.
OUTCHARM v. to surpass in charming.
OUTSCREAMoutscream v. (Transitive) To surpass in screaming.
OUTSCREAM v. to surpass at screaming.
SUBATOMICsubatomic adj. (Physics) Relating to particles that are constituents of the atom, or are smaller than an atom; such…
subatomic adj. Relating to something that is smaller in scale than the diameter of a hydrogen atom.
sub-atomic adj. Alternative spelling of subatomic.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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