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There are 18 nine-letter words containing A, C, M, N, O, R and T

BROMANTICbromantic adj. (Informal) Of or relating to bromance.
BROMANTIC adj. characterising a close but not romantic or sexual relationship between two men.
CHROMATINchromatin n. (Biology) A complex of DNA, RNA and proteins within the cell nucleus out of which chromosomes condense…
CHROMATIN n. a protein/DNA complex making the chromosome.
COMMORANTcommorant adj. (Law) Ordinarily residing; inhabiting.
commorant adj. (US, law) Inhabiting or occupying temporarily.
commorant n. A resident.
CORMORANTcormorant n. Any of various medium-large black seabirds of the family Phalacrocoracidae which dive into water for…
cormorant n. (Figuratively, also attributively, archaic or obsolete) A voracious eater; also, a person who, or thing…
cormorant adj. (Archaic or obsolete) Voracious; aggressively greedy.
CREMATIONcremation n. A burning; especially the act or practice of cremating the dead, burning a corpse.
CREMATION n. the burning of corpses.
FORMICANTformicant adj. Crawling like an ant.
formicant adj. Having a crawling sensation like that of an ant sting.
formicant adj. (Medicine, obsolete) Of the pulse: weak and rapid.
MACRODONTmacrodont adj. Having large teeth.
MACRODONT adj. having large teeth.
MANTICORAmanticora n. Alternative form of manticore.
manticora n. Any of various predatory beetles of genus Manticora.
MANTICORA n. a mythical monster with head of man, body of lion, tail of dragon or scorpion, also MANTICORE.
MANTICOREmanticore n. (Greek mythology) A beast with the body of a lion (usually red), the tail of a scorpion, and the head/face…
MANTICORE n. a mythical monster with head of man, body of lion, tail of dragon or scorpion, also MANTICORA.
METARCHONMETARCHON n. a nontoxic substance, such as a chemical to mask pheromones, that reduces the persistence of a pest.
MONOCRATSmonocrats n. Plural of monocrat.
MONOCRAT n. one who governs alone.
MOONCRAFTMOONCRAFT n. a lunar module.
MORTICIANmortician n. (US) An undertaker or funeral director.
MORTICIAN n. (US) an undertaker.
MUCRONATEmucronate adj. (Biology) Terminating in a mucro (an abruptly tapering point or a sharp spine) such as at the end of a leaf.
MUCRONATE adj. terminating in a sharp point, as a mucronate leaf, also MUCRONATED.
NARCOMATANARCOMA n. a coma caused by the intake of narcotic drugs.
NARCOTISMnarcotism n. A narcotic effect; the tendency to cause narcosis.
narcotism n. Addiction to a narcotic drug.
NARCOTISM n. narcosis; the state of being narcotized.
ROMANTICSromantics n. Plural of romantic.
ROMANTIC n. a fanciful person.
STRAMACONSTRAMACON n. (obsolete) a downward cut in fencing, also ESTRAMAZONE, STRAMAZON.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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