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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 15 nine-letter words containing A, C, I, 2S, T and U

ACOUSTICSacoustics n. (Physics) The science of sounds, teaching their nature, phenomena and laws.
acoustics n. Plural of acoustic.
ACOUSTIC n. a sense of hearing.
ASTICHOUSastichous adj. (Botany) having a structure or layout that is not in rows.
ASTICHOUS adj. not in rows.
ASTUCIOUSastucious adj. Subtle; cunning; astute.
ASTUCIOUS adj. (Scott) of astute and penetrating discernment.
AUTECISMSAUTECISM n. the development of the entire life cycle of a parasite on a single host, also AUTOECISM.
AUTISTICSautistics n. Plural of autistic.
AUTISTIC n. a person affected by autism, also AUTIST.
CASUISTICcasuistic adj. Relating to casuistry (attempts to solve moral dilemmas by applying general rules).
casuistic adj. Overly subtle, hair-splitting.
CASUISTIC adj. relating to casuistry, plausible but flawed moral reasoning, also CASUISTICAL.
CASUISTRYcasuistry n. The process of answering practical questions via interpretation of rules, or of cases that illustrate…
casuistry n. (Derogatory) A specious argument designed to defend an action or feeling.
CASUISTRY n. plausible but flawed moral reasoning.
EUSTACIESeustacies n. Plural of eustacy.
EUSTACY n. (Greek) a worldwide change in the sea level, also EUSTASY.
MASCULISTmasculist adj. Of or relating to masculism.
masculist n. A proponent or supporter of masculism.
MASCULIST n. an advocate of the rights of men.
SIMULCASTsimulcast n. A program or event that is broadcast across more than one medium or service at the same time.
simulcast v. To broadcast a program or event across more than one medium or service at the same time.
SIMULCAST v. to broadcast simultaneously on radio and television.
SPACESUITspacesuit n. Alternative spelling of space suit.
space␣suit n. A system of protective and pressurized clothing, together with environmental equipment, worn by astronauts…
space␣suit n. A pressurized protective outfit worn by people working with extreme biohazards.
SUITCASESsuitcases n. Plural of suitcase.
SUITCASE n. a piece of luggage for transporting possessions.
SURICATESsuricates n. Plural of suricate.
SURICATE n. (Dutch) a South African carnivore, aka meerkat, related to the ichneumon.
SUSCITATEsuscitate v. (Obsolete, transitive) To rouse; to excite; to call into life and action.
SUSCITATE v. to excite; to rouse.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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