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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 15 nine-letter words containing A, C, I, 2R, S and T

CAMORRISTCamorrist n. A member of the Camorra.
CAMORRIST n. a member of a camorra, also CAMORRISTA.
CAREERISTcareerist n. (Derogatory) A person who pursues the advancement of their career at the expense of other values.
careerist n. A person who takes a job, especially in the military, for a long time rather than temporarily.
careerist adj. Of or pertaining to such a person or way of life.
CARROTINScarrotins n. Plural of carrotin.
CARROTIN n. a plant pigment, also CAROTENE, CAROTIN.
CATBRIARSCATBRIAR n. a thorny shrub, also CATBRIER.
CATBRIERSCATBRIER n. a thorny vine, also CATBRIAR.
CHARRIESTcharriest adj. Superlative form of charry: most charry.
CHARRY adj. resembling charcoal.
ORATRICESoratrices n. Plural of oratrix.
ORATRIX n. (Latin) a female orator, also ORATRESS.
PRACTISERpractiser n. One who practises.
PRACTISER n. one who practises, also PRACTICER.
RETRAICTSretraicts n. Plural of retraict.
retraicts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of retraict.
RETRAICT n. (obsolete) retreat, also RETRAIT, RETRAITE, RETRATE.
SCARRIESTscarriest adj. Superlative form of scarry: most scarry.
SCARRY adj. marked with scars.
STARCHIERstarchier adj. Comparative form of starchy: more starchy.
STARCHY adj. containing starch.
TRACERIEStraceries n. Plural of tracery.
TRACERY n. ornamental work of interlaced lines.
TRIACTORSTRIACTOR n. a wager whereby the bettor must pick the first three places in the correct order.
TRIBRACHStribrachs n. Plural of tribrach.
TRIBRACH n. a poetic foot of three short syllables.
TRICTRACSTRICTRAC n. a form of backgammon in which pegs as well as pieces are used, also TRICKTRACK.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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