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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 12 nine-letter words containing A, C, I, O, P and 2T

APOPTOTICapoptotic adj. (Biochemistry) Of or pertaining to apoptosis.
APOPTOTIC adj. relating to apoptosis, the natural destruction of cells in a growing organism.
APOSTATICapostatic adj. Apostate.
APOSTATIC adj. of the nature of apostates or apostasy, also APOSTATICAL.
AUTOTYPICautotypic adj. Relating to an autotype.
AUTOTYPIC adj. like an autotype, a facsimile.
BETATOPICBETATOPIC adj. of atoms, differing in proton number by one.
CAPOTTINGcapotting v. Present participle of capot.
CAPOT v. to win all the tricks.
CATOPTRICcatoptric adj. Of, relating to, or produced by mirrors or reflections.
CATOPTRIC adj. relating to reflection, also CATOPTRICAL.
COPATRIOTcopatriot n. A joint patriot.
COPATRIOT n. a person born, residing, or holding citizenship in the same country as another, also COMPATRIOT.
PAROTITICparotitic adj. Of or pertaining to the parotid gland, or to parotitis (mumps).
PAROTITIC adj. of or like parotitis, inflammation of the parotid glands.
PATRIOTICpatriotic adj. Inspired by or showing patriotism; done out of love of one’s country; zealously and unselfishly devoted…
PATRIOTIC adj. devoted to one's country.
PETTICOATpetticoat n. (Historical) A tight, usually padded undercoat worn by men over a shirt and under the doublet.
petticoat n. (Historical) A woman’s undercoat, worn to be displayed beneath an open gown.
petticoat n. (Historical) A fisherman’s loose canvas or oilcloth skirt.
POPTASTICpoptastic adj. (Informal) Excellent; very good; especially of pop music.
POPTASTIC adj. denoting or relating to a very good piece of pop music.
PROSTATICprostatic adj. (Anatomy) Relating to the prostate gland.
PROSTATIC adj. of or pertaining to the prostate gland.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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